Transforming UMSL Facilities From Below Ground on Up

Dear University Community,
UMSL Facilities Management continues to move our Transform UMSL initiatives forward as we reimagine and redefine our campus footprint through targeted investments. This initiative is a coordinated campus master planning approach that spans five years and includes more than $110 million in public and private investments to reimagine and redefine our campus footprint. Here are some updates that showcase our recent progress.
UMSL Facilities is proud to move the Transform UMSL initiative forward as we redefine our campus. As part of this mission, a new site-wide electrical power distribution network will be included in our ongoing campus infrastructure projects. Included in the project will be the upgrade and replacement of electrical distribution cables, new conduits routed through new duct banks, upgraded switchgear systems within our substation and buildings, and the construction of new manholes throughout the campus. This upgrade will address the issues that caused our recent power outages which were the result of aging electrical infrastructure that will be replaced with new technology to avoid future utility disruptions to campus activities.
Three-Phase Electrical Upgrade Plan:
Phase 1: Restore Power to North Campus – This phase is complete.
Phase 2: Install Redundant Feeder – This work is in progress and will provide stability to our aging infrastructure as we progress through the overall project. This phase is expected to be fully completed in early March 2024.
Phase 3: Design and Construction of New Sitewide Electrical Distribution – The project scope is in progress. The new electrical distribution project surveys the condition and stability of all seven feeders throughout North Campus, surveys the condition of South Campus power distribution, and repairs/replaces feeder cable and infrastructure to provide stability, redundancy, and reliability to site power distribution throughout the campus. Once this project is completed, UMSL’s transformed campus will be supported by a state-of-the-art electrical distribution that we can all be confident in to support our campus operations.
As we work through the permanent repairs, there will be times that power will need to be interrupted to complete this work. The team is very cognizant of the inconvenience these power-downs cause to our campus community. You have our commitment that for these planned outages we will make sure that there is communication from the team, and timelines are put in place for periods that would cause the least amount of disruption to campus operations.
Thank you for your continued patience and understanding while we work to transform our UMSL facilities infrastructure from below ground on up.
You can follow our progress and timelines by downloading our monthly Transform UMSL Project Report. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions during this exciting time of transformation at the University of Missouri–St. Louis.