
Common Searches

Report an Accessibility Barrier

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness & Compliance appreciates your assistance in improving the accessibility of our campus by reporting accessibility barriers you encounter.

Examples of barriers include:

  • a broken elevator or automatic door
  • an inaccessible website
  • concerns with access ramp (s) or curb cut
  • Zoom/video without captions
  • lack of access to an event or program

To report a barrier, please provide the following information and email the office at oiec@umsl.edu

Affiliation (i.e. student, staff, faculty, visitor)

Type of Barrier

  • Physical environment/facilities (i.e. broken elevator, inaccessible entrance)
  • Event Accessibility
  • Online Environment/Technological
  • Parking/Transportation
  • Other (please specify)

Please describe the issue in detail, including date, time and precise location (Note. If a precise location is not provided, we may be unable to locate the barrier).


Grievance Process

UMSL is committed to providing equal opportunity to and addressing discrimination against people with disabilities, as outlined in the Collected Rules, Chapter 600.

Individuals with a disability who believe their disability is not being accommodated, or who have experienced discrimination or harassment on the basis of disability, may file a complaint with the Title IX & Equity office

A person with a disability may also file a complaint with the federal government through the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (for students), the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (for employees), or the U.S. Department of Justice (for members of the public).