The Title IX & Equity Office provides training for staff, faculty and students at the university. We provide educational materials and programming for the campus community to promote a welcoming and inclusive environment and to prevent all forms of discrimination. Your Title IX & Equity Office is available for you whenever you need us. Please let us know if you have questions, require resource information and/or have a specific training need.
Jessica Swederske, Title IX Coordinator and Chief Equity Officer
As of August 14, 2020, the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights requires all institutions receiving federal funds to make publicly available all materials used to train Title IX Coordinators, investigators, and decision-makers.
Mandated Reporting- The training focuses on 1) understanding institutional obligations under the Title IX & equity-resolution policies; 2) understanding your role as a mandated reporter; 3) how to respond to disclosures of potential Title IX & Equity violations; 4) advocacy vs reporting; and 5) the reporting process.
What is the Process? Equity vs. Title IX
For questions, contact us at
September 2020