
Student Leader and Organization Resources

1. Attend SOLE

Our Student Organization Leadership Education (SOLE) training is an annual training required for student organization leaders. The training is set up as a webinar-style event with sections including, navigating Triton Connect, requesting SABC funds, and more! 

Important things to note about this event:

  • All student organization presidents and treasurers are required to attend this training.
  • All attendees must stay for the entire training.
  • Register and find out more information about this event on the event's page in Triton Connect!

2. Complete Continuing Education Opportunities - Wise Up Wednesday Series

Wise Up Wednesday is a series of presentations on personal and organizational leadership topics that will be held twice a month. These sessions will cover things like organization management, event planning, self-assessments, etc. 

Your organization will need to have representation at a number of these trainings throughout each semester, depending on your organization type, to remain recognized. 

Undergraduate Organizations -- Must attend 3 Wise Up Wednesday sessions a semester

Graduate Organizations -- Must attend 1 Wise Up Wednesday session a semester

The dates and topics for this semester's Wise Up Wednesday series are available! Check the Triton Connect events calendar for more information. 

3. Keep Triton Connect Portal Up-To-Date

As a student group leader, it is essential to keep your organization's portal up-to-date as this is where students will likely find you! You will need to ensure that your organization's information, officers, and upcoming events are current.

4. Complete Renewal Each Spring

Each year, in the Spring Semester, all student groups must renew their status with the Office of Student Involvement in order to remain in good standing.

Renewal is pertinent as it confirms the group's officers, advisor, and status with the university. This process also qualifies your organization to submit budget requests during our Early Fall Budget Request period which occurs in the summer. This Early Fall Budget Request period is the only way to obtain Student Activity Budget funding for the first four weeks of classes.

Need help renewing your Student Organization? Email our Student Organizations team at studentorganizations@umsl.edu with any questions. 

UMSL's Recognized Student Organizations & University Sponsored Student Organizations have four options when it comes to funding.

  1. Student Activity Budget Committee (SABC) budget allocations.
  2. Off-Campus Student Organization bank account where dues and other funding sources are stored.
  3. Money that has been fundraised and deposited into a University Fundraising Account (most student organizations do not have a fundraising account assigned to them).
  4. Money donated or gifted to the student organization has been deposited into a University Gift Account (most student organizations do not have a gift account assigned to them).

If you have questions regarding Student Organization Fundraising or Gift Accounts please reach out to Michaela Wells (mswells@umsl.edu).

Check out More Info About SABC

Below you'll find resources and forms for all your student organization needs. If you've checked the information below and still have questions, please reach out to Michaela, Coordinator of Student Organizations (mswells@umsl.edu) or come visit us in Millennium Student Center suite 366 so we can help.

Recognized Groups Handbook


Financial Forms

If you can't find what you're looking for, contact the Office of Student Involvement.

  • Budget Request: To request the purchase of event supplies, all organizations must complete a budget request at least four (4) weeks in advance of the date supplies are needed. This process will be done in Triton Connect.
  • Reimbursement/Voucher Form: This form is used to reimburse student organization members when personal funds have been spent to purchase supplies for a budgeted organization event. *Note: the University's tax-exempt status cannot be used to purchase supplies. You will not be reimbursed for tax on any purchase*
  • W-9 Form: This form is used alongside the Reimbursement/Voucher Form to provide proper payment information so the student organization member can be properly reimbursed.


Development & Training

The Office of Student Involvement is dedicated to helping your student organization be successful. We offer a variety of training and resources for student leaders and organizations:


Student Organization Leadership Education (SOLE) is the annual training for all student organizations. Held every fall, SOLE exists to give student organization leaders the tools they need to run their organization for the year. Completion of SOLE is required for organizations to maintain recognition. The training is set up as a webinar-style event with sections including Triton Connect basics, student organization finances, marketing Your group, and functioning well on campus. 

Wise Up Wednesday

Wise Up Wednesday is a series of presentations on personal and organizational leadership topics that will be held twice a month. These sessions will cover things like organization management, event planning, self-assessments, etc. 

Your organization will need to have representation at a number of these trainings throughout each semester, depending on your organization type, to remain recognized.

Undergraduate Organizations -- Must attend 3 Wise Up Wednesday sessions a semester

Graduate Organizations -- Must attend 1 Wise Up Wednesday session a semester

The dates and topics for this semester's Wise Up Wednesday series are available! Check the Triton Connect events calendar for more information.

Conduct Policy

A student at the University assumes an obligation to behave in a manner compatible with the University's function as an educational institution and voluntarily enters into a community of high-achieving scholars. A student organization recognized by the University of Missouri also assumes an obligation to behave in a manner compatible with University’s function as an educational institution. Consequently, students and student organizations must adhere to community standards in accordance with the University’s mission and expectations.

These expectations have been established in order to protect a specialized environment conducive to learning which fosters integrity, academic success, personal and professional growth, and responsible citizenship.

Jurisdiction of the University of Missouri generally shall be limited to conduct which occurs on the University of Missouri premises or at University-sponsored or University-supervised functions. However, the University may take appropriate action, including, but not limited to the imposition of sanctions under Sections 200.020 and 200.025 of the Collected Rules and Regulations against students and student organizations for conduct occurring in other settings, including off-campus, in order to protect the physical safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors or if there are effects of the conduct that interfere with or limit students ability to participate in or benefit from the University’s educational programs and activities.

A student organization is a recognized student organization that has received official approval in accordance with Section 250.010 of the Collected Rules and Regulations. To determine whether a student organization is responsible for conduct outlined in Section 200.010C, all circumstances will be considered, including but not limited to whether:
  1. The student organization approved, condoned, allowed, encouraged, assisted or promoted such conduct;
  2. The prohibited behavior in question was committed by one or more student organization officers or a significant number of student organization members;
  3. Student organization resources, such as funds, listservs, message boards or organization locations, are used for the prohibited conduct; and/or
  4. A policy or official practice of the student organization resulted in the prohibited conduct.
Taken from CRR 200.010: Student Conduct

Review the University Collected Rules and Regulations and the Standard of Conduct for more information. For questions regarding the policy regarding student conduct, student organization conduct, or Community Standards contact the Division for Student Affairs, (314) 516-4026.