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LGBTQ+ History Month


Did you know that LGBTQHistory Month was created right here on UMSL's Campus? It's true! Rodney Wilson developed and executed the first ever LGBTQHistory Month in October of 1994 and graduated with his Master of History in 1995. The month has continued and spread across the nation every year since. UMSL recognizes that it is important we take time to recognize the contributions of our past LGBTQ+ leaders and the LGBTQ+ movements that have led to the freedoms the LGBTQ+ community has today. The LGBTQ+ community fight continues every day and it is vital we understand how we have impact and are making history every day.

Departments and offices from all over campus come together to create a series of events and programs to highlight and emphasize the experiences of LGBTQ+ people historically and in the present. The LGBTQ+ History Month Planning Committee aims to uplift and empower our LGBTQ+ students, staff and faculty through the line up of events brought to campus.

Past LGBTQ+ History Month Events

OUTBURST! Student Works Showcase and Open Mic

This kickoff event saw the work of 10 UMSL students including short stories, paintings, digital art, and essays. Outburst is an opportunity for UMSL LGBTQ+ students to uplift their voices and their work to all of campus. There are very few restrictions on what can be performed or presented. Our only true guidelines are: members of the LGBTQ+ community can submit any type or subject matter of original work they would like while allies must submit original works which have subject matter centering LGBTQ+ identity.

Check out this UMSL Daily article: UMSL kicks off LGBTQ+ History Month programming with Outburst talent show

Outburst submission details

We accept any and all of the following creative or academic works:

  • Writing: Poetry, Novel, Short Story, Script, Research Paper, Thesis
  • Physical Displays: Painting, Photography, Sculpture
  • Digital Displays: Digital/Graphic Designs and Art, Film/Movie, Song/Music
  • Performance: Spoken Word, Stand-Up, Monologue, Play Scene, Skit, Song/Music, Dance
  • Other: Please email if you have something you would like to present that you do not feel fits into the above categories

Check back in late spring for the 2024 Outburst Application.

Pizza and Pronouns

In this laid back and open environment, UMSL students were invited to engage in discussion and dialogue regarding pronouns, their usage and meaning. Students were also able to make their own pronouns pins while they enjoyed free pizza. 

Tie Die & Talk

To celebrate National Coming Out Day, students were invited to bleach dye dark colored clothing while listening to coming out stories of fellow Tritons and engaging in discussion about the coming out process facilitated by Prizm: Queer - Trans - Straight Student Alliance. 

Lunch and Learn

The Triton community was invited to learn about Missouri’s LGBTQ+ history from the State Historical Society. A must-attend event for university students and professors who want to uncover the history of Missouri’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer communities. Archivists gave attendees an inside look into the State Historical Society’s LGTBQ+ archives – dating from the early 1900s to the present, how to see and use the collections, and SHSMO's ongoing mission to preserve all aspects of Missouri’s diverse history.

Kickball Classic

In the first ever Sports Are Universal event, the Triton community was invited to engage in some fun and friendly kickball. LGBTQ+ sports figures and history were highlighted throughout and at the end of the event. This event will be brought back in the future so check back for registration!