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Paired Peer Tutoring

There is no charge to use our services.

If you are an undergraduate student who would like to connect with a tutor on a regular basis for in-depth tutoring throughout the semester, then Paired Peer Tutoring may be a great option for you.

Here’s how it works:

  • Use the form below to request a Paired Peer Tutor.
  • We will work to match you with a tutor in our database.
  • If we have a match, we’ll put you and your tutor in touch via email.
  • You and your tutor figure out a schedule that works for both of you to meet up in person (on campus) or online.
  • You make a commitment to meet up with your tutor at the same days and times each week throughout the semester.
  • You can meet for up to 5 hours/week of tutoring sessions.

Click through all 8 screens of the form and be sure to click “Submit” at the end.

If the request form does not appear above, please click here. 

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Updated January 31, 2024.