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Alcohol and Marijuana Use Assessment

Are you a Missouri college student looking for freedom from marijuana or nicotine?quit_logo.png

If you’re a Missouri college student considering quitting tobacco/nicotine or marijuana/cannabis, this website can help you self-assess your use, learn about benefits you can expect from quitting, and find resources to help you quit.

Are you interested in meeting virtually with a tobacco treatment specialist to stop using tobacco/nicotine? Request a meeting to get help with quitting. You’ll meet virtually with Michelle McDowell, a tobacco treatment specialist, to develop a quit plan that is personalized for you.

For questions or more information, contact Counseling Services' Psychologist Dr. Chris Sullivan at 314-516-5711 or sullivan@umsl.edu.

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Location icon  131 Millennium
Student Center

phone icon  (314) 516-5711

Fax icon  (314) 516-5988

Portal icon  health.umsl.edu

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