Chalking on campus is limited to recognized student organizations, UMSL departments, faculty members, staff members and any registered UMSL student. Chalking must comply with the following procedures:
Chalking is permitted to publicize campus events and resources, to make announcements, and to share messages.
Chalking must take place on concrete sidewalks, not on buildings, steps or other University-owned property. Chalking is prohibited on all vertical surfaces including but not limited to buildings, walls, benches, picnic tables, bus stops, light poles, etc.
Chalk must be placed where it will be washed away from rain or snow. Horizontal concrete surfaced coved by an overhang are prohibited.
Chalking may be placed for a maximum of 10 days.
No chalking may contain profanities, obscenities, hate speech or derogatory statements about individuals or groups.
Chalking must contain the name of the sponsoring entity. The name of the sponsoring entity must be legible.
Chalking cannot interfere with another message that has already been chalked. Overwriting, erasing, defacing, or altering the chalking of another person or organization is prohibited.
- The materials used to chalk must be water-soluble chalk (sidewalk chalk). The use of markers, paints, oil-based products, or spray chalk is prohibited.
The content of the chalking must adhere to the law and other university policies including, but not limited to, the following: Student Standard of Conduct, Standard of Conduct for Student Organizations and Use of Facilities and Equipment.
The University reserves the right to clean and remove any chalking, which does not comply with this policy or that may contribute to a hostile environment. Individuals found in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action under the previously mentioned university policies and procedures.