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In Case of EMERGENCY, please contact the UMSL Police Department at 314-516-5155

Any discrimination incidents, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, stalking on the basis of sex, intimate partner and/or relationship violence, and sexual exploitation should be reported to the Title IX Coordinator & Chief Equity Officer:

Report an incident

Report Online

Jessica Swederske
Director, Title IX  &  Equity Office
153 JcPenney North
St. Louis, MO 63121
Phone: (314) 516-5748

  • Reports can be made by email, phone, online, or in person.

Reports made using this form are sent directly to the university’s Title IX coordinator, who oversees all sex discrimination matters at the institution. Upon receipt of the report and depending on the detail of the information provided, the institution will take reasonable steps to investigate the matter, stop the harassment, prevent its recurrence and remedy its effects.

Voluntary Reporting

Students, employees, volunteers and visitors of the university who have experienced any form of sex discrimination, including sexual harassment or sexual misconduct, are encouraged to report the incident promptly to the Title IX Coordinator.

CR&R 600.020(E)(1)

Mandated Reporting

Any employee of the university who becomes aware of sex discrimination as defined in this policy (including sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, stalking on the basis of sex, dating/intimate partner violence or sexual exploitation) is a mandated reporter, regardless of whether the recipient of the behavior is a student, employee, volunteer or visitor of the university.

CR&R 600.020(E)(2)


Employees with a legal obligation or privilege of confidentiality (including health care providers, counselors) are not considered mandated reporters and are not required to report when the information is learned in the course of a confidential communication.

This also means that the employee seeking the exemption is employed by the university for that specific purpose and was acting in that capacity when the confidential disclosure was made. If the information is not learned in the course of confidential communication (for example, behavior is observed in class) then the employee has the same obligation as a mandated reporter.

Consistent with the law and upon approval from the Office of General Counsel, campuses may also designate non-professional counselors or advocates as confidential for purposes of this policy and, therefore, excluded from the definition of mandated reporters.

However, these individuals may be required once per month to report to the Title IX Coordinator aggregate, non-personally identifiable information regarding incidents of sex discrimination reported to them. The aggregate data report may contain general information about individual incidents of sexual violence such as the nature, date, time, and general location of the incident. Confidentiality in this context is not the same as privilege under the law.

CR&R 600.020(E)(2)

Process Flowchart

Title IX Process Flowchart (as outlined by UMKC) 

Equity Process Flowchart