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Student Conduct and Academic Integrity FAQs

What will happen if I am referred to the office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct?

You will receive an email asking you to schedule and meet with a staff member within five calendar days of the date of the email. This meeting is an opportunity to talk to a staff member about your UMSL experience and share your perspective on the situation that was reported. If you choose not to meet with the conduct officer, a decision will be made in the case and a hold will be placed on your student account until you address this issue.

If I am being charged in court, why do I also have to deal with the university? Isn't this double jeopardy?

Double jeopardy applies only to the criminal court system. As a student, you are held responsible by the University for your behavior under the Student Code of Conduct, which is the jurisdiction of the University and not the criminal courts.

My attorney told me I should not meet with you because I may be facing criminal charges. What now?

That is up to you; however, please be aware that the University conduct procedures may continue without your input. You should call to speak with the person handling your case to discuss your concerns.

Should I bring an attorney with me to this meeting?

That, again, is up to you. An attorney may accompany you as an advisor, but they may not participate in the conduct process. This is not a legal proceeding.

What if I don't show up for my meeting with the conduct officer?

The appropriate staff member will decide the outcome without the benefit of your perspective or involvement in the process. It is in your best interest to attend this meeting to give your account of what transpired. At this time the details of the conduct and appeal process are also reviewed and any questions you have will be addressed.

What if I was not aware of a rule and didn't know I was breaking it?

This is similar to being pulled over for exceeding the speed limit and saying, "but I didn't see the sign." By joining the UMSL community, you are responsible for knowing and abiding by the rules and regulations of the University. It is important that you familiarize yourself with University policy, particularly the University of Missouri Student Standard of Conduct, the information technology acceptable use policy, and the housing policy (if you live on campus). If you are unsure about any policies, ask for clarification.

What if the incident happened off campus?

Generally, the jurisdiction of the University is limited to conduct which occurs on the University of Missouri premises, at University sponsored or supervised events, and when representing the University off campus. The main concerns are behaviors that may impact the university community. Therefore, even an incident that occurred off campus may still be a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and fall under the jurisdiction of University policies and procedures.

If I just lie about the situation, I will get away with it, right?

It is always best to be truthful. Other sources are consulted during the investigation and could conflict with your statement. If it is found that you lied or withheld information, you may face additional disciplinary charges or consequences that would be a direct violation of the Student Standard of Conduct.

I was put on probation. What does that mean? Will I be assigned to a probation officer?

Probation is notice to you that any violation of the Student Code of Conduct or other condition of probation may subject you to progressive disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Probation lasts for a specific period and may be implemented by semester or academic year.

Will disciplinary sanctions appear on my academic transcript?

Generally, sanctions do not appear on an academic transcript. However, with recent modifications to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), in certain instances some information may be provided to another institution about past student conduct. A student will have to provide written permission to allow the sharing of information from their conduct record. Examples of when this would be required are on admission to graduate school, law school, medical school, state board exams, government employment or employment with a law enforcement agency.

What happens if I do not complete an assigned sanction?

Since this would be another violation of the Student Code of Conduct for failure to comply with directions of a University official, additional sanctions would likely be imposed and may result in suspension or expulsion from the university. A hold will also be placed on your registration and records. Remember that sanctions are placed as a result of your violation of the Student Code of Conduct and are designed to educate you about expectations and norms of the University and community at large.

Is there an appeal process?

Students may appeal a sanction rendered either during the informal or formal process. It is usually in the best interest of the student to consider all possible outcomes prior to appealing a sanction. In some instances, an appeal may yield a more severe sanction. Details of the appeal process are outlined in the Rules of Procedures in Student Conduct Matters (200.020).

Will potential employers have access to my conduct record?

Employers requiring a background investigation or security clearance will request access to your conduct record. You will have to sign a release authorizing access; records are never released without your permission.

What violations of the Student Code of Conduct are most likely to result in mandatory separation from the University?

Any incident involving sexual misconduct, violence, weapons, drugs, hazing, stalking or repeated violations of University policy may be grounds for suspension, expulsion or dismissal; however, each case is reviewed independently and decided on an individual basis. Depending upon the severity of the incident an immediate suspension may be requested until formal proceedings take place.

Will my parents/guardians be notified?

Your educational records are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). We may, however, notify parents/guardians if their student has an alcohol or a drug violation as allowed by this amendment. We encourage students to speak with their parents and believe that as adults, students should take responsibility for initiating that conversation. We also encourage students to sign releases that allow us to speak with family members about a situation, so that we can all work together to resolve it and help the student. In addition, family may be notified if there is an imminent risk to the student's health, safety, or welfare.

Can a parent/guardian attend the conduct meeting with their student?

The student may have an advisor present, who may be a family member, but the role of the advisor is to support and advise the student, not to speak for the student, represent the student, or address the committee during a hearing. The student will need to sign a waiver to have their family member present and in receipt of confidential information.

How are sanctions determined?

Sanctions are determined by considering the following factors: nature of the violation, the student's role in the incident, the effect of the incident on others, on the student and the campus community, the student's developmental and educational needs, and the student's prior disciplinary record. Mitigating and aggravating circumstances may be considered.

I have reviewed 110.010 University of Missouri system regulations and 200.010 Standard of Conduct, and I'm not clear on what a weapon is.  I'm not sure what is allowed on campus, can you help?

The University of Missouri-St. Louis (UMSL) prohibits the illegal or unauthorized possession or use of firearms, explosives, other weapons, or hazardous chemicals. UMSL prohibits the open possession of and discharge of firearms, weapons, and explosives on University property, including University farms, except in regularly approved programs or by University agents or employees in the line of duty. This rule shall not be construed as consent to the possession of concealed firearms, weapons, or explosives on University property, including on one’s person, in one’s office, or in campus residential spaces. 

A weapon is any instrument or device designed or likely to produce bodily harm or property damage, examples included but are not limited to: a handgun or firearm, dangerous chemicals, an explosive device of any description, compressed air guns, pellet guns, BB devices/guns, non-culinary knives, metal or brass knuckles, bow and arrows, ice picks, swords, billy clubs, paintball guns, laser guns, stun guns, slingshots or any other item modified from its original purpose to be used as a weapon. The university reserves the right to further determine the definition of a “weapon” and may prohibit other devices on an individual basis.  

The misuse of any permitted weapon will result in a policy violation.