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May 2023 External Awards

May 2023 External Awards

Devin Banks, Department of Psychological Science , awarded $ 11,363 for “ Integrating Geospatial and Community Methods to Improve Opioid Treatment Equity ” by Washington University .

Devin Banks, Department of Psychological Science, awarded $166,775 for “An Integrated Geospatial and Community-based Model to Prevent Opioid Overdose among Black Americans” by the NIH National Institute on Drug Abuse. 

Kiley Bednar, Community Innovation & Action Center, awarded $99,749 for “State Digital Equity and Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment Planning Grant” by the Missouri Department of Economic Development. 

Aimee Dunlap, Biology, awarded $5,000 for “Bumblebee Genetic Mark Recapture Project” by The Garden Club of St. Louis. 

Mary Edwin & Emily Brown, Education Sciences & Profressional Programs, awarded $306,289 for “Partnership for Antiracist Counselor Training (PACT)” by the U.S. Department of Education. 

Ravindra Girivaru, Mathematics and Statistics, awarded $33,600 for “Lefschetz theorems for Vector bundles and algebraic cycles” by the Simons Foundation. 

Anita Manion, Political Science, awarded $4,350 for “The Information Landscape and Voters’ Understanding of RCV in Alaska” by the Research Foundation for SUNY. 

Michele Meckfessel, Research, awarded $8,694 for “2023 Gateway EITC/UMSL VITA Grant” by the Gateway EITC Community Coalition. 

Katherine O'Daniels, Education Preparation & Leadership, awarded $3,500 for “2023 National Writing Project National Park Service Collaborations” by the National Writing Project. 

Robert Paul, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $149,021 for “Evaluation, Technical Assistance and Training at SLPRC” by the Missouri Department of Mental Health. 

Nancy Singer, Education Preparation & Leadership, awarded $100,000 for “Missouri Teacher Preparation Programs Award 2023” by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. 

Rachel Winograd, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $59,815 for “Prevention Prescription Drug/Opioid Overdose-Related Deaths (MO-HOPE PDO2.0) Y2” by the Missouri Department of Mental Health. 

  Total Awarded: $1,098,497


  FY2023 External Awards to Date  (by department/unit, purpose, and source)

  FY2022 Annual Report  (by department/unit, purpose, and source)