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April 2023 External Awards

April 2023 External Awards

Ryan Carpenter, Department of Psychological Sciences, awarded $161,808 for “Developing a modified brief alcohol-focused intervention tailored for patients with alcohol use disorder in opioid agonist treatment” by the NIH National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism.

Kathleen Ellison, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $50,000 for “Missouri PMHCA BSCA Expansion Project - MO-CPAP” by the Missouri Department of Mental Health.

Emily Oliveira, Education Sciences and Professional Programs, awarded $120,000 for “Aging gracefully: Older adult traumatic stress counseling and caregiver support” by the Jewish Federations of North America.

Robert Paul, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $90,814 for “Study of NeuroHIV Cure Consortium: Collaborative HIV and Emerging Diseases Award (CHEDA)” by the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement.

Edward Riedel, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $79,777 for “12th and 45th Judicial Drug Court Project Out Expansion” by the 45th Judicial Circuit of Missouri.

Edward Riedel, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $79,777 for “9th Judicial Drug Court Program Roads to Recovery Expansion” by the 9th Judicial Circuit of Missouri.

Lee Slocum, Criminology & Criminal Justice, awarded $560,000 for “Safety and Justice Challenge Capstone Grant” by the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation.

Keith Stine, Chemistry, awarded $97,282 for “Automation of the chemical synthesis of human milk oligosaccharides” by Saint Louis University.

Xuemin Wang, Biology, awarded $57,227 for “PlantSynBio/TRTech-PGR: Targeted Integration of User-Defined DNA in Plants” by the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center.

Rachel Winograd, Missouri Institute of Mental Health, awarded $1,500,000 for “DMH Opioid Settlement Naloxone Distribution” by the Missouri Department of Mental Health.

Total Awarded: $2,796,685


FY2023 External Awards to Date  (by department/unit, purpose,  and source)

FY2022 Annual Report  (by department/unit, purpose, and source)