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ASPIRE Lab Research Projects!

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Opioid Use Disorder Pharmaceutical Treatments: Investigating a Model and Measure of Intervention Stigma toward Medication (OPTIMISM)

  • OPTIMISM aims to develop a dimensional model of Intervention Stigma toward medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD; buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone) that captures stigmatizing attitudes and actions among policymakers, healthcare personnel, and members of the general public.
  • Grant Objectives:
    • Aim 1: To establish a model of what Intervention Stigma is and how it works
    • Aim 2: To pilot and create a comprehensive measure of Intervention Stigma tailored for three groups (healthcare providers, decision makers, and the general public)
    • R15 AREA Aim: To develop empirically rigorous substance use-focused research and training infrastructure within the Dept. of Psychological Sciences at UMSL to build upon the years of community-focused implementation work of the UMSL-MIMH Addiction Science team (
  • Grant Years: September 2024 - August 2027
  • Funder(s): National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), through the NIH Helping to End Addition Long-term (HEAL) Initiative
  • Subcontracted Grant Partners: Washington University in St. Louis (Co-I: Devin E. Banks), Wayne State University (Co-I: Erin F. Madden)



Reversing Overdose Epidemics Through Simulation, Collaboration & Unified Efforts (RESCUE)

  • We are Co-Investigative partners on an R33 (primary grantee University of Minnesota) to design, improve, and implement effective decision-making tools for harm reduction supply distribution across the U.S. Missouri is one of the six "state champion" states for this effort (alongside New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Minnesota, and Nevada). 
  • The study aims are as follows: 
    • Aim 1: Assess the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and racial/ethnic health equity outcomes of combinations of harm reduction programs in six jurisdictions (Aim Lead: Xiao Zang, U of MN)
    • Aim 2: Collaborate with health departments and community partners to tailor and adapt the PROFOUND decision tools for implementation into their decision-making processes (Aim Lead: Brandon Marshall, Brown)
    • Aim 3: Assess the fit and scalability of the PROFOUND model and decision tools for supporting data- and equity-informed policy decisions to increase access to harm reduction services (Aim Lead: Erika Crable, UCSD)
  • Grant years: September 2024 to September 2028
  • Funder(s): National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)


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Missouri Enhancing Effectiveness Research on Recovery Housing for Persons Prescribed Medication for Opioid Use Disorder

The ISTARR project is funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (R24DA051974) and aims to enhance infrastructure needed to establish an evidence base on recovery housing for persons being treated with medications for opioid use disorders (MOUD). MO ISTARR is a pilot grant funded through the parent ISTARR project and is specifically dedicated to identifying and studying attitudinal and capacity-related barriers to MOUD within recovery housing environments.

This project was officially funded from May 2023 to December 2024. ASPIRE Lab members are currently writing up results and hope to publish the final measures in 2025! (For an overview with preliminary results, see our oral presentation at the 2024 AMERSA conference here (search 'Winograd' and view the presentation starting with "Would we? Could We?":


Ongoing connections to and partnerships with the UMSL-MIMH Addiction Science team and associated grants and contracts:

Students in the ASPIRE Lab also work in close collaboration with the Missouri Institute of Mental Health (MIMH) arm of the Addiction Science team, adding research support and vision to multiple grants focused on improving services for people who use drugs across Missouri. Learn more about each grant below!

SOR (State Opioid Response) - The SOR Grant works to expand access to prevention, treatment, recovery support, and harm reduction services or folks with opioid use disorder or stimulant use disorder throughout Missouri. The Missouri Department of Mentalh Health (DMH) is leading this project with support from Missouri Institute of Mental Health (MIMH) and community workers, academic institutions, healthcare agencies, and other experts around the state. 

CENTER (Community ENgagement, Trauma, Equity, Renewal) - The CENTER Initiative is a partnership between Missouri Institute of Mental Health (MIMH), The T, Family Care Health Centers, the Community Healthcare Coalition, the Regional Health Commission, Integrated Health Network, and the Behavioral Health Network that aims to invest in the long term wellbeing of Black people impacted by addiction, drug use, and overdose in St. Louis.

DOTS (Drug Overdose Trust and Saftey) - The DOTS project develops and facilitates trainings to reshape interactions between first responders and people who use drugs. Additionally, DOTS establishes a partnership between first responders and public health agencies to direct resources and support to high need communities and to get survivors connected with services post-overdose.

ENACT (Expanding Naloxone Access and Community Trainings in Missouri) - ENACT works toward reducing fatal opioid overdose rates and adverse events by increasing naloxone distribution and training.

Please check out some of the projects we're working on on the UMSL-MIMH Addiction Science team - including our relatively updated list of papers and presentations!