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Join us as we celebrate 30 years of Greek Studies at UMSL
Sunday, September 22, 2024, 6 - 8 p.m.
Century Rooms, Millennium Student Center
University of Missouri-St. Louis


A Message from the Chair


Hellenism and Hellenic culture have had a profound impact on our civilization in a wide range of fields: from art, society, politics, and economy, to philosophy, law, medicine, and science.

The Hellenic Government-Karakas Foundation Professorship in Greek Studies is one of the first Chairs of Greek Studies to be established in the United States. Its mission is to focus, develop, and sustain research, teaching, and public education on Hellenism, with particular emphasis on the impact of Hellenic civilization on contemporary society. 

For us, Hellenism is one cultural continuum extending over the course of thousands of years and covering a wide range of fields. It is the continuity and cultural proliferation of Greek culture that we seek to bring alive for our students and the public.

At a time when scholarship and education in the Humanities are facing serious threats, the Professorship aims at preserving and promoting the humanistic values of Greek civilization. We seek to not only educate our students and the public about these values, but also to provide our students with the life skills necessary to succeed in today’s competitive world.

The Professorship has accomplished a great deal, to the point where it can now boast annual enrollments of 300 students, both summer- and semester-long programs in Greece, a Certificate in Greek Studies (with a Major in Classical Greek Studies under way), a multi-function Greek Culture Center, and a wide range of programs for the community.

On behalf of our students, faculty, and staff I would like to welcome you to our site. We are very proud to promote Hellenism in the heart of America and we invite you to explore our website and join us for our events!

Michael B. Cosmopoulos

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