
Common Searches

SL: 1/2/1 ADMINISTRATION Administrative Affairs, Vice Chancellor of, 1962-86

Series I: Building Files


1. Arts and Sciences Building
2. Business-Education and Social Sciences Building
3. Library Building
4. Life Sciences Building
5. Math and Languages Building
6. Metal Office Building
7. Multi-Purpose Building
8. Parking Structures
9. Razed or Removed Buildings
10. Student Union-Temporary
11. Study Hall Building-Temporary

Series II: Construction Files

12. Administration Building, 1976-77
13. " " " " "
14. " " " " "
15. General Services Building
16. " " " " "
17. International Heritage Center
18. " " " " " "
19. Library Building
20. Math and Language Building
21. " " " " " "
22. Metal Office Building
23. " " " " "


1. Miscellaneous Construction Business
2. Roads and Parking
3. Sewers
4. Student Activities Building
5. Student Union
6. Student Union and JC Penney Wing
7. University Center
8. " " " " & JC Penney Educational Building
9. Utilities (other than Sewers)


1. Lighting
2. Temporary Building-Study Hall
3. Parking Structure #3
4. " " " " #4
5. Performing and Communication Arts Building
6. Plaza
7. Roads and Parking Lots

Series III: Board of Curators

8. Board of Curators Meeting: 9/12-13/85
9. " " " " " " 10/24-25/85
10. " " " " " " 12/5-6/85
11. Board of Curators Meetings, 1985
12. " " " " " " "
13. " " " " " " "
14. " " " " " " "
15. " " " " " " "

Series IV: Subject Files

16. Academic Plan, 1975-85
17. Administration Building, 1976
18. Agreements: SIU & UMSL
19. A.P.L.
20. Appropriations Request for Operation, Addendum, 1980-81
21. Barnes, Ward
22. Bi-State Transit System
23. Brochure
24. Budget--State Appropriation, 1964-74
25. Cabinet, 1983
26. Christmas Dinner
27. Commission On Higher Education
28. Committee on Financial Exigency Policy, 1977
29. Coordinating Board
30. Correspondence, 1962
31. Correspondence, General
32. Evaluation Team--Business Office Area
33. Financial Statement, 1964-66
34. Higher Education Act of 1965, Amended HR 7328, 95th Congress
35. Higher Education Facilities Act, UM Plan, 1968
36. Holidays
37. Inventory: Annual Physical
38. " " Physical Properties
39. " " " " " " "
40. Kiel Auditorium Contracts
41. Landscaping
42. Master Plan


1. Miscellaneous, 1971-73
2. Missouri
3. Narratives, 1975
4. Newspaper Clippings
5. Nursing--Proposal for B.S. in Nursing
6. Planning, 1964-65
7. Presidential Visit, 10/13/80
8. Proposed Security Program
10. St. Louis Campus--Master Plan
11. School Closing, 1969
12. School of Education
13. Student/Faculty Ratios (Harold Hume)
14. Swimming Pool Committee, 1964-66
15. " " " " " 1968-71
16. " " " " " 1974-75
17. UM Capital Requests, 1976-77 through 1980-81
18. UM Committees, System Wide, 1964-65
19. University Center, 1976-77
20. " " " " 1978-79
21. " " " " 1979
22. " " " " 1979-80
23. " " " "
24. " " " "
25. University House
26. " " " "
27. Inter-Office Memos
28. " " " "
29. " " " "

Series V: Publications

30. From the Office of the President, 1967
31. Memo, 1968
32. University Wide Extension Newsletter, 1969-70

Series VI: Reports

33. Academic Tenure and Regulations, 1972, 1980
34. Academic Affairs, 1975
35. Affirmative Action Plan, 1979-81
36. " " " " " 1982-83
37. " " " " " 1984-85
38. Appropriations, 1976-81
39. Budget, 1974-80
40. Committee on Traffic Safety and Regulations, 1964-65


1. Day Care Center Proposal, 1973
2. Equal Opportunity Program, 1972
3. Faculty By-Laws, 1965
4. Findings and Recommendations of the University Committee on Computer Personnel, 1969
5. Follow-Up Study of Evening College Graduates, 1967-72
6. Laws, 1972
7. Libraries, 1977
8. Long Range Planning, 1968
9. International Studies, 1980-82
10. Manual of Student Organizations, 1971
11. New Construction and Renovation
12. On Campus Housing, 1984
13. Perceptions of Higher Education, 1986
14. Policy and Procedure, 1965, 1969
15. President's Report, 1967
16. Presentations, 1971-72
17. St. Louis Commerce
18. Space Problems, 1967
19. Student Union Research Paper, nd
20. Supplementary Report on Enrollment, 1972
21. UMSL Facts, 1971-74
22. UMSL personnel Commitment, 1972

University Archives
222 Thomas Jefferson Library
University of Missouri-St. Louis
One University Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63121