
Common Searches

SL: 1/5/3 ADMINISTRATION Affirmative Action Office, 1975-87

Series I: Reading Files


1. 8/84
2. 9/84
3. 10/84
4. 11/84
5. 12/84
6. 1/85
7. 2/85
8. 3/85
9. 4/85
10. 5/85
11. 6/85
12. 7/85
13. 8/85
14. 9/85
15. 10/85
16. 11/85
17. 12/85
18. 1/86
19. 2/86
20. 3/86
21. 4/86
22. 5/86
23. 6/86
24. 7/86
25. 8/86
26. 9/86
27. 10/86
28. 11/86
29. 12/86
30. 1/87
31. 2/87
32. 3/87
33. 4/87
34. 5/87
35. 6/87
36. 7/87
37. 8/87
38. Monthly Activities, 9/77-12/83
39. Reading Grievance File

Series II: Availability Files

40. By Departments (sex and minority) 1974-76, 1975-77
41. Worksheets, 1978-80
42. Business School, 1979
43. Chemistry
44. Data by Department
45. General Data
46. Availability
47. Availability and Utilization Analysis--Minorities
48. " " " " " " " Females
49. Racial Availability/Academic Applicant Flow Comparison
50. Noncitizen information
51. Data: EEO 6 Categories
52. Availability/Utilization Data-EEO categories
53. Availability Administrative Staff, 1980
54. " " " Minority Graduates, 1971-72
55. Availability and Utilization-Females
56. " " " " " " Minorities
57. " " " " " " of UMSL Faculty, 1980-81
58. Availability Statistics: All EEO categories, 8 factor
59. " " " Comparison-National with 8 factor
60. Availability and Utilization-All categories 1981-82

Series III: Grievances (RESTRICTED)

f. 61-64 BOX 2


f. 1-6

Series IV: Faculty and Staff Files

7. Faculty Resignations and Terminations
8. " " " " " " " " 1979
9. Faculty Promotions, Additions and Terminations, 1980
10. Faculty Promotions, Termination, and Resignations, 1980-81
11. Faculty Terminations and Resignations, 6/80
12. Faculty Goals, 1979-80
13. " " " Summary, 1980-81
14. " " " 1981-82
15. " " " " "
16. Faculty and Staff: 8 factor availability 1981
17. Faculty: Academic Appointments, Blacks
18. " " " " " " Females
19. Faculty: Academic Hiring Forms
20. Academic Appointments, 9/80-8/81
21. Faculty: Affirmative Action Goals
22. National Availability Analysis PhDs, 1974-81
23. Faculty: Availability--women and minorities
24. " " " " " women
25. " " " " " minorities
26. " " " " " national by discipline
27. " " " " " analysis, 1974-81
28. Availability and Utilization, 1982-83
29. Faculty: Black Profiles
30. Black Data
31. Black Recruitment
32. Faculty: Department Profiles
33. " " " " " " 1981-82
34. " " " " " " females
35. Faculty: Ethnic Profiles
36. Faculty: New Hires
37. New Faculty Hires--3 year total (1979-82)
38. Part time Academic Appointments, 1981-82
39. Faculty Personnel Activity Report
40. Faculty w/Academic Appointments: Personnel Activity, 1978-79
41. " " " " " " " " " " " 1979-80
42. " " " " " " " " " " " 1981-82
43. " " " " " " " " " " " 1982-83
44. " " " " " " " " " " " 1983-84
45. " " " " " " " " " " " 9/83-8/84
46. " " " " " " " " " " " 1983-84
47. Faculty promotions
48. Faculty positions offered but refused, 1980-81
49. Faculty offers made, accepted, refused, resigned, 1980-81
50. Faculty: reasons for non selection
51. Academic Recruitment, 1981-82
52. Faculty Recruitment Comparison
53. Faculty Salary Study
54. Faculty Salary Comparison by Rank
55. Faculty Tenure--Minorities
56. Faculty Tenure Track--Minorities
57. Faculty: ten year Tenure/Tenure Track Comparisons--minorities
58. Faculty: estimate of promotable and transferable, 1982
59. Faculty: Tenure Survey
60. Faculty: Tenure Decision Years--Females
61. Faculty: Tenure--Females
62. Faculty: Tenure Track--Females
63. Faculty: 10 year Tenure/Tenure Track Comparisons--Females
64. Faculty: Terminations
65. Three Year total--New Faculty Hires
66. Faculty: Turnover Study
67. Faculty Turnover, 1980-81 with reasons for leaving
68. Faculty Turnover--females
69. Faculty turnover--1981-82 with reasons for leaving
70. Faculty turnover--minorities
71. Annual female faculty comparison
72. Annual minority faculty comparison
73. 11 year female faculty comparison
74. " " minority " " " "
75. 7 yr. female faculty comparison
76. Faculty: Utilization--Females
77. " " " " " Minorities
78. 4 year Utilizations and Availability comparison, 1980-83
79. Utilization & Availability comparison by Minority and Female Groups,1982-83
80. Faculty: 3 year utilization analysis, 1979-81
81. Faculty: utilization by discipline
82. Faculty Utilization and Availability
83. " " " " --women and minorities, 1980-81
84. Utilization: 1981-82 Faculty analysis
85. " " " 1982-83 " " " "
86. 1981-82 Workforce analysis, UMCa and UMSL Subgroups
87. 1982-83 " " " " " " " " "
88. Staff: EEO-6 Occupational Comparisons
89. Staff: Salary Analysis
90. Staff Profile as of 6/30/81
91. " " " " " "
92. Utilizations Study: Ranked and Unranked faculty, 1982-83
93. Staff: Utilizations--minorities in clerical
94. " " " " " " "
95. " " " " " Females
96. Staff: Turnover Study, 1981-82
97. " " " " "
98. Graph: females in upper level non-academic positions
99. Administration/Professional Classifications
100. Graph: minorities in upper level non-academic positions
101. Staff: personnel activity report
102. Administrative Service & Support Staff: personnel activity, 12/78-6/79
103. Administrative Service and Support Staff: personnel activity, 7/79-6/80
104. Administrative Service and Support Staff: personnel activity, 7/80-6/81
105. Administrative Service and Support Staff: personnel activity, 7/81-6/82
106. Support Staff: Availability and Utilization according to UMCA subgroup, 1981-82
107. Staff: SMSA Availability statistics
108. Availability Statistics, 1981
109. Staff: SMSA Availability Statistics, 8 factor
110. Support Staff: UMCA Availability Statistics, 8 factor
111. " " " UMCA & UMSL Subgroups (as of 6/30/82)
112. UMCA subgroups--Staff Personnel Activity report, 7/81-6/82
113. Sources of Staff recruitment, 1981-82
114. Staff: Top EEO categories (women and minorities)
115. Support Staff Termination Log, 8/81-6/82 (RESTRICTED)
116. " " " " " " 8/80-6/81 (RESTRICTED)
117. Staff: Termination Log, 1980-81 (RESTRICTED)
118. Staff Promotions, 1977-79
119. Support Staff Profile, 9/1/81
120. Staff: Availability and Utilization

Series V: Subject Files


1. Administrative Salaries paid to 135 universities, 12/78
2. Administrative and support staff analysis
3. Administrators since 1977
4. Administrators Salary Analysis
5. Articles on Blacks and minorities
6. Black/Female Faculty lost/gained
7. Chapter Headings
8. Chronicle of Higher Education, Fact file
9. Clearing House for Career Advance
10. Comparative file with Area Universities
11. Correspondence, 7/1/82
12. Correspondence
13. Current article
14. All EEO categories Availability/Utilization, 1975-79
15. " " " " " " " " " " "
16. " " " " " " " " " " "
17. EEO-6 Graphs, 1976- , Females and minorities
18. " " Occupational Classifications, 1979
19. " " " " " " " And Graph Comparisons
20. EEO-6 Report, 1976
21. " " " 1978
22. " " " 1979
23. " " " 1981
24. " " " 1983
25. EEO-6 Total Campus utilizations, 1980
26. EEO-6 University of California, 1977
27. 11 year Faculty Comparison, females
28. " " " " " " minorities
29. faculty lists, 1978-80
30. Faculty Salary information, 1982 (College of Arts & Sciences)
31. Federal Contracts, 4/13/84
32. Female minority staff and faculty, 1978-79
33. 5 year academic appointments, blacks and women
34. formula for faculty hiring and salary
35. Graph: total campus minorities
36. impact ratio analysis formula
37. Memos, 9/82
38. Minority faculty
39. NASLUGC women in Administration survey
40. Normandy School District Affirmative Action Program
41. Government Document List
42. Originals of Reports, Pre 1979
43. Part time faculty profile, 1979-80
44. " " " " " " Fall 1980
45. Part time Academic Appointments, 1981-82
46. Part time Faculty, 1982-83
47. pay inequities for women
48. Projected Vacancies and goal setting
49. Report
50. Rosters, 1981-82
51. " " 1983-84
52. " " 1984-85
53. Sabbaticals and Faculty on leave
54. St. Louis EEo Group
55. Salaries
56. Salary Analysis Prepared by UMCA 12/79
57. Faculty Salary Analysis
58. Analysis: Instructors' Salaries, 1978-79
59. Salary Study
60. 7 year female faculty comparison
61. " " Minority " " " "
62. Status of women at other universities
63. Tenured Faculty, effective 9/85
64. Tenure Track and Tenured Females
65. Tenure Track and Tenured Minorities
66. Title IX: Assurance of Compliance
67. " " Civil Rights Compliance Survey, 1/79
68. " " Self Evaluation (Athletics), 1978
69. " " " " " " 1977
70. UMSL Campus: EEO-6 Charts-Utilization and Availability
71. " " " EEO-6 Graphs
72. " " " EEO-6 Female Comparison
73. " " " Minority personnel list, 1981-82
74. " " " SMSA Availability statistics, 8 factor
75. " " " Top EEO categories (women and minorities)
76. " " " Utilization Analysis
77. " " " " " and Availability Analysis
78. " " " Workforce analysis
79. UMSL Faculty Deans
80. UMSL Long Range Progress Report
81. UMSL Workforce, full time, 3 year comparison
82. Urban 13
83. Utilization Analysis, 1980-81 And Goals
84. " " " " " " " "
85. " " " and Availability Comparisons by minority groups, 1982-83
86. Women Academic Progress-Comparative list for Lois
87. Women in Administration
88. Workforce Analysis-Faculty and Staff Profile, 1979-80

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