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The Stanley and Lucy Lopata Excellence In Creativity Award

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lopata of the Lopata Research and Development Corporation have recognized the importance of encouraging the development of creativity in young minds, particularly as it relates to solving scientific and technical problems. In order to foster creativity, they have established an endowment to stimulate student interest in creative problem solving and to provide recognition for demonstrating outstanding creativity. Since 1994, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lopata have sponsored the Excellence in Creativity Award.

The purposes of the award are to:

  1. Encourage students to broaden and hone their creativity and develop analogous reasoning and problem-solving skills and
  2. To identify and reward students whose problem-solving ability and creative talents indicate potential for significant contributions to the fields of science, mathematics or technology.

The Award
Each year students who demonstrate, via written proposals, the most unique, creative and appropriate solutions to scientifically or technically based problems are recognized with award plaques and cash honorariums.

Four awardees will be selected. The first place winner will receive $2,500. The second place winner will receive $1,500. The third and fourth place winners will receive $1,000. The cash honorarium will be given to the winners upon enrollment in the University of Missouri-St. Louis. The awards will be announced in March. The award is administered by the Science Education Programs Office.

Eligibility and Participation
Students in Missouri public and private schools in grades ten, eleven and twelve are eligible to submit proposals. Proposals may be submitted either by an individual or by a team with up to four members. All team members must meet eligibility requirements, and winning teams will divide the cash award equally.

Submission of Proposal
Proposals must provide a solution to a real scientific or technical problem, process or phenomenon. The overall project must be the unique and sole work of the individual or group of individuals submitting the proposal. Solutions must be within the natural or physical parameters as opposed to the supernatural. The information provided must stand alone on its merits and completeness. Any data or supportive information must be identified and fully referenced.

Proposals must be accompanied by the official Submission Form, and must be postmarked or registered to be delivered on or before 5:00 p.m. on March 1. Late proposals or those not precisely fitting the prescribed format cannot be accepted or considered. Only hard copies of proposals will be accepted. Electronic transmission or Facsimile transmission of proposals is not accepted.

Evaluation Criteria
A panel of judges will evaluate each proposal on its individual merit with respect to the following:

  1. Creativity applied and the uniqueness of the solution (40 points)
  2. The practicality and workability of the solution (20 points)
  3. Demonstrated understanding of the scientific process (10 points)
  4. Overall knowledge of the topic (10 points)
  5. Impact on existing systems or degree of side effects of solution (10 points)
  6. The significance of the problem (5 points)
  7. Clarity, directness, succinctness, format and professional style of the presentation (5 points)

Decision of the judges is final and re-submission or re-evaluations will not be allowed.

For more information and application forms, contact:
The Stanley and Lucy Lopata Excellence in Creativity Award
Science Education Programs
University of Missouri-St. Louis
R239 Research Complex
One University Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63121-4400
Telephone: (314) 516-6220
Fax: (314) 516-6233