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Roundtrip Mileage to Frequently Traveled Places

NOTE: All mileage amounts are roundtrip originating from UMSL

Cities Mileage
Cape Girardeau, MO 257
Carbondale, IL 226
Champaign, IL 372
Chicago, IL 600
Columbia, MO 250
Edwardsville, IL 66
Eureka, IL 378
Fort Leonard Wood, MO 285
Fulton, MO 206
Godfrey, IL 49
Independence, MO 473
Jefferson City, MO 257
Joplin, MO 584
Kansas City, MO 488
Kirksville, MO 407
Lake of the Ozarks, MO 340
Lincoln, NE 883
Macomb, IL 298
Peoria, IL 358
Poplar Bluff, MO 328
Rolla, MO 240
Sedalia, MO 368
Springfield, IL 207
Springfield, MO 433
Tulsa, OK 811