Joint editing spaces and archival newsgroups...

Navigation bar: [electronTips] [layeredCorrelations] [contentMod] [researchStories] [physicsEd] "Go back" to return.

Archival newsgroups serve up a kind of forever-searchable group meeting space, while jointly editable wiki's allow dynamical development of wide-ranging narratives, operating protocols, and lists. The collaboration spaces linked here are mostly accessible by invitation only or through internal servers at University of Missouri in Saint Louis.

Feel free to request access if you might like to participate. Selected snapshots from these developing resources, which have been cleared for posting on the open web, will be linked below.

May 2010 update: The front page of our newest collaboration space, at, is available on the open web.

Note: For the expo links, it may help to sign your browser into mygateway before attempting to hyperlink. If it still doesn't work, let me know./pf

...on electrons and tips (umsl, pbwiki, expo, newsgroup)

These are collaborative spaces to discuss projects that involve nanoscale science, along with Standard Operating Protocols for specimen prep, instrument operation, as well as data acquisition, modeling, and interpretation. Specifics on possible student research projects are also fair game.

...on multiscale correlations (umsl, pbwiki, expo, newsgroup)

Here find places to discuss layered approaches to subsystem correlation with connections to the second law of thermodynamics. Included in these discussions are niche-network models that track correlations with respect to skin, family and culture.

...on content modernization (umsl, pbwiki, expo, newsgroup)

Insights of last century, like those of Minkowski, Feynman, and Shannon, can simplify what we teach while strengthening awareness of cross-disciplinary connections. Here we address "the detail work of content modernization" for addressing challenges across multiple scales of space, time and organization.

...highlights and developing stories (umsl, expo)

Space here is for the exhange of information within UM-StL, on research highlights and stories being developed to strengthen the regional reputation of this campus as a technical resource.

...on physics education (umsl, pbwiki, expo, newsgroup)

Joint editing space is available here for physics course staff to discuss issues and opportunities one chapter at a time.
