ARMT Scoring

Scoring the ARMT requires a pencil and a calculator. Responses are given on a 1-5 Likert scale, whereby 5 = Strongly Agree and 1 = Strongly Disagree. 

Five scores are generated:

Total Score.  A measure of emotional and attitudinal readiness to cope with present &/or future mobility loss, including the four subscales described below.

These numbers are circled during the administration phase. Then, later, the professional transfer the numbers, first to the Total Score column, and also to the boxes below each of the four Subscale Scores.

Sum the Total and Subscale responses on page 1 and transfer the products to the lower right side of page 2. Next, you use your calculator to derive the mean scores for the Total Score (which is the primary score for use in MTC) and the four Subscale Scores. 

View a video about scoring the ARMT.

Use our on-line administration and auto-scoring version.