Media Coverage in English
- This is your brain on love: Experts explain the science behind the romantic rush (Feb 9, 2025) Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
- Six Misconceptions We Have About Romantic Love (July 2, 2024) Greater Good Magazine
- Is it love or infatuation? This relationship questionnaire will help you tell (Apr 19, 2022) TODAY
- Can We Fall Out of Love? Some scientists think there is hope for the heartbroken (Apr 19, 2022) The New York Times
- How your brain changes when you fall in love and 4 health benefits (Jan 20, 2022) Insider
- This is your brain on love: the beautiful neuroscience behind all romance (Feb 12, 2021) ScienceFocus
- Super Bowl Tips for Fans Heartbroken by Tom Brady’s Rebound Relationship (Feb 3, 2021) The Wall Street Journal
- Why People Are Confessing Their Crushes Right Now (Apr 6, 2020) The Atlantic
- What does love do to our brains? (Mar 16, 2020) Medical News Today
- Ask an Expert: Valentine’s Day edition with love researcher Sandra Langeslag (Feb 10, 2020) UMSL Daily
- The Best Way To Get Over a Breakup, According to Science (May 29, 2018) Time Magazine
- What Break-Ups Leave Behind (Jan 2, 2018) Psychology Today
- The Science of Falling Out of Love: New research explores different strategies for dealing with heartbreak (Oct 15, 2017) Psychology Today
- How to Become More (or Less) in Love With Someone, According to a Psychology Professor (Feb 12, 2017) Fortune
- Two relationship experts explain the differences between love and lust (Feb 12, 2017) In Your Right Mind - KABC 790 AM
- Falling In And Out Of Love: How Much Control Do You Have Over Your Emotions? (Jan 23, 2017) Medical Daily
- The science behind love: UMSL’s Sandra Langeslag investigates (Jan 19, 2017) UMSL Daily
- We control our hearts with our heads, new study finds (Jan 3, 2017) Cosmopolitan
- Revealed: How to THINK your way out of a broken heart (Dec 30, 2016) Prima
- You CAN think your way out of a broken heart (Dec 29, 2016) DailyMail
- Researchers Say You Can Fall In And Out Of Love (Dec 22, 2016) The Huffington Post Canada
- How to fall back in love with your partner, psychologists reveal (Dec 21, 2016) Independent
- How To Fall Back in Love (Dec 19, 2016) The Wall Street Journal
- How To Fall In Love... And Out Of Love, According To Science (Nov 15, 2016) Your Tango
- The science of love: Why it's possible to actually program yourself in or out of love (Oct 21, 2016) She 'Said'
- How to make yourself fall in love - or out of love (Sept 26, 2016) OZY Media
- 7 online personality quizzes that are actually worth taking (July 20, 2016) The Huffington Post
- What's love got to do with it? Everything (Mar 10, 2016) The Current
- The BuzzFeed Love Test: Are you more infatuated or attached? (Jan 26, 2016) BuzzFeed
- Disrupting Love With Sandra Langeslag (Nov 19, 2015) EQ
- Online breakup behavior (Sept 29, 2015) St. Louis Magazine
- Are you in love? A team of UMSL researchers wants to talk to you (Apr 22, 2015) UMSL Daily
- 20 Questions That Will Tell You If It's Love (Apr 15, 2014) Psychology Today
- 4 Ways To Stay Focused On Valentine’s Day (Feb 14, 2014)
- Reduced cognitive control in passionate lovers (Nov 11, 2013) Science Daily
- Are You Obsessed With Him? (Nov 28, 2012)
- The Look of Love (Feb 13, 2012) Matters of the Heart
- The Science of Love (Feb 13, 2012) Diamondback
- This Week in Research: Love, Scientifically; Tiny Flying Robots (Feb 10, 2012) Baltimore Fishbowl
Media Coverage in Dutch
- Wat gebeurt er in je lichaam als je verliefd bent? (Apr 22, 2021)
- Zo kan je jouw brein trainen om verliefd te blijven (Jan 21, 2017) Het Nieuwsblad
- Het jaar van de hoop (2): hoe we zelfs de liefde kunnen sturen (Jan 2, 2017) HUMO
- Inspiratie - De neurocognitie van verliefdheid (Nov 3, 2016) De Psycholoog
- Liefde is niet altijd de beste doping (Nov 23, 2015) De Morgen
- Valentijns-tips voor degenen die ongelukkig verliefd zijn (Feb 14, 2015) Trouw
- We weten niets over verliefdheid. Hoewel, bijna niets (Aug 31, 2014) NRC Handelsblad
- De ziekte die verliefdheid heet (Aug 31, 2014) NRC Next
- Sneller afgeleid door prille verliefdheid (Nov 4, 2013) Universiteit Leiden
- Vlinders in je brein (Feb 9, 2013) Volkskrant by Malou van Hintum
- Pil tegen echtscheiding (Feb 9, 2013)
- Wat is liefde? (Mar 4, 2010) Helder
- Hoe weet je dat je verliefd bent? (Dec 2, 2007) Willem Wever
Media Coverage in other languages
Structural MRI image
Measuring brain waves of a participant in one of our studies