Information Systems
College of Business Administration
University of Missouri - St. Louis
Systems Analysis FAQ
Prototype Assignment
Some FAQ's and their answers have been provided by former students.
If some advice seems inconsistent with what Dr. Sauter has said in class, please contact her for clarification.

What is the prototype?
The prototype is the proposed solution for the client's system. It should be the best one out of all choices that fixes the most problems in a cost effective manner.

What is a better explanation of a Prototype?
Some explanations of a prototype are: An original type, form, or instance serving as a basis or standard for later states. An original, full-scale, and usually working model of a new product or new version of an existing product. An early, typical example.

What if its too difficult to demonstrate all the functionality of our system in the prototype?
The prototype is not intended to exactly mimic your system. It is only intended to illustrate the aspect of the system you propose to improve. Make sure your prototype does not contain elements that distract the client from the area for which you desire input.

Do we have to build a perfectly working prototype?
Does Windows work perfectly when it first hit the market? NO! It have the user a general idea on how it would work and then they update it later.

How "functional" should we make our prototype?
Functional enough that the client gets a good idea of what it will do, and how it will look and feel. But don't get to bogged down in actually making the prototype work, because it could be scraped entirely.

Is a prototype just a projection of your expectations of the entire project?
Sort of. A prototype is not just your expectation of how your new system will work but it is also a projection of how everything will be setup. A prototype should be a tangible model for the client to see what you have done so far and to see where you are headed. The key word is tangible before the prototype the client only has words. The prototype is the first visual given to the client.

Can the prototype be part of the solution that our group proposes?
Yes, keep in mind however that this prototype is something tangible to help clarify the user specifications.

What are you suppose to do with the prototype in the final project?
Use the prototype to gather the specifics for the final project.

Should you include cost analysis in any the prototype justification or any other section?
No, cost analysis is a section all its own.

What is the main goal of the prototype assignment?
The main goal of the prototype assignment is for your group to come up with a solution to the problem and to present your solution in an electronic form used as a visual air to help convey tot he client your resolution to the problem.

What should our prototype do?
It should help you provide specifications for the final solution. It should be designed to specifically address the problem you have already identified and to provide data to you or your customer that will be used when implementing the final solution. Building a prototype means showing how your project works without using text-descriptions. Prototype can include images, charts, but mainly have to link all the material and preferably help visually understand project.

What do we do if our group's suggestion is not a tangible thing?
This happens to many groups. If your suggestion relates to altering a specific process or habit in a certain area of the admission process you still need to do a prototype. Your prototype will then need to deal with the changes you are suggesting in that area. I understand that some of you will not have tangible solutions, however you must present me with an "early stage" representation of your suggested solution. The prototype is used to identify any problem before the final is due, so you can make any changes that you see fit.

This answer is more of a hint than an answer to a FAQ -
If you plan on using the Internet for your prototype presentation, I strongly suggest using a saved copy to navigate at the time of presentation. Real time applications, such as the Internet, can be unpredictable as well as unreliable.

What is a prototype?
A prototype is an original, full-scale, and usually working model of a new product or new version of an existing product. A prototype is to show the client your new system, and the different between the new and old system.

How in depth must our prototype be?
The format is unimportant, whether is be electronic or paper, whatever is easiest. I am looking for content. The prototype should be a sample of your improvements.

Will we actually present the prototype to our use?
Yes. Each group will give an in-class presentation of their prototype and how it functions. Your client will be present during the presentations to ask any questions or make any suggestions for refinement to make sure the system requirements are being met.

Should our prototype be fully functioning?
No - it should just be a representation of how the final product will look. You do not want your client to think that it is exactly what the final product will be. You will avoid future problems such as scope creep if you keep it a "toy" version.

Exactly what is a prototype?
The prototype is a model of how you are going to use the solution. It can be written on anything that will get your ideal across. Just as long as you describe how you are going to use your prototype.

Does this have to be an actual working prototype?
No. For example it may just be a Powerpoint presentation that describes how the system changes work.

Why it is useful to have prototype?
The analyst uses this as a feedback and take this newer version back to the client and users and explains how it will benefit them.

How will we know what the client things of our prototype?
You will be presenting them to the client. You will explain the prototype, how it will help, and why you recommend it.

Is the prototype just a solution to the project?
No the prototype is not a solution. It does not solve anything; it is part of a solution. It is the specs on the suggestions that are proposed to fix it. It is used to get a better understanding of the specifications.

Does the prototype have to be a working assignment?
No as long as you can stress to the client what you are trying to work towards then you can determine what kind of prototype to make. Making the client understand is the important factor to a prototype.

How do we design a prototype?
Clink on this link to get started on developing your prototype:

What kinds of prototypes are acceptable?
Anything that can be communicated to the client can use.  It can be as simple as showing your idea on a piece of paper, or doing a power point presentation, or building a model of your system.

What should be explained in the justification?
In your justification you should not only discuss the features of the prototype, but also give your reasons (justify) for including the features in your project.  You should JUSTIFY those features.  Why do you have them? What will you do with them? How do they make your prototype better?  Tell me why you have what you have on the prototype. Don't answer the question what, answer the question WHY.

Do our prototypes have to be fully designed with graphics.
NO, content is more important.

How will the Prototype help the client.
The prototype will give the Client an insight of the solution that your team has come up with.

Do we include the prototype in our final project?
yes, the specifications in the prototype have to be mentioned in the final project. It is part of the final paper.

How much of the previous assignments should be included in the prototype?
It varies with each part:
Background: Not very much since it was an overview of your enviroment.
Feasibility: Alot, you must make a mock up of the solution you determined to be feasible.
Questionaire: Just the specs you inferred from the results.

Does the prototype have to be in a specific format?
The prototype can be in any format you wish as long as it is able to give the client an accurate picture of the solution or improvement to the problem you are trying to present. If your solution is a webpage, make a webpage. If your solution involves a interactive display, pictures may be a way to present it.

Is there any specific use of color that should be used in the creation of the prototype?
The content, as well as the color is up to you. You may base your color scheme off of the existing scheme or system, or you may revise the entire scheme.

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