Test of a multi-function LIKE button

The expanded "LIKE button" matrix below may seem like a benign (even superfluous) augmentation, but it's designed to shift awareness away from organism centricity to the wider range of social subsystem correlations that we'd like to nurture. Moreover, it will provide data on the shifts in focus that a given post elicits in that post's audience.

Thus for example posts that elicit a focus on politics when the topic is some natural process (like a pandemic which requires a response based on technical information) will automatically show up as a topic with few professional likes. Likewise when technical experts (say in astronomy) make assertions about elements of culture with which they have limited experience, their posts may show up with relatively few cultural likes.

Liked by my...

Statistics might include the number of clicks in each category, as shown below. However, Sinan Aral's The Hype Machine and our recent paper in Complexity only hint at the (we think mostly postive, and even healing) effects that such a simple shift couild have.

This in spite of the fact that the data acquired may be tablulated below in the form...
self:0; family:0; culture:0
friends:0 community:0 profession:0

This page is hosted by the University of Missouri Saint Louis Department of Physics and Astronomy.
The person responsible for errors is P. Fraundorf