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P-7 Captain Thomas E. Kenny Collection

ABSTRACT: The Thomas E. Kenny Collection contains photographs of old locks, towboats, barges, steamboats and other vessels that have long dissapeared from the nation's inland rivers. There are also vivid images of small river towns and major cities such as St. Louis, Louisville, and Memphis as they appeared more than 50 years ago, as well as personal records, photographs and clippings related to river personalities, scrapbooks, and railroadrelated photographs and negatives.

DATE : ca. 1880 - 1960

SCOPE: The Captain Thomas E. Kenny Collection comprises of photographs, negatives, clippings, scrapbooks, and written records and documents pertaining to the life of Captain Kenny and the inland rivers of the United States, as well as some photographs pertaining to World War II. The collection is divided into six series, by subject: 1) Records; 2) General River; 3) Vessels; 4) People; 5) Railway; and 6) Scrapbooks.

Series One, Records, contains various forms of written records colllected and written by Captain Kenny over the years, including LST Trips, account ledgers, river charts, and a manuscript for Captain Kenny's unpublished book, Ol' River's Got You.

Series Two, General River, contains mostly photos and clippings about subjects and places riverine.

Series Three, Vessels, contains photos, negativs and clippings about 492 River Vessels, arranged alphabetically, from the A.B. Sheets to the Zeta. Photos range from 1880s steamboats to 1960s motor vessels. Clippings are of a 20th century nature.

Series Four, People, consists of photos and clippings regarding people important to the inland rivers, including files on Captain Kenny himself (and some information about Captain Kenny's manuscript, Ol' River's Got You.

Series Five, Railways, contains photographs and negatives of things and places related to the railways of the United States - stations, railroads, trains and engines.

 Copyright Information:

The researcher assumes full responsibility for observing all copyright, property, and libel laws as they apply.

ACCESS: This is collection P-007. This collection is available for on-site use only in the Rare Book and Manuscripts Reading Room. Some of the collection may be photocopied, digitally scanned or photographed, depending on condition. Researchers are advised to call ahead concerning changes in hours due to University intersessions and holidays. The St. Louis Mercantile Library is located on levels one and two of the Thomas Jefferson Library building. More information about conducting research with the archival collections of the Library, including current building hours and reading room policies, can be found on our Research page.

Preferred Citation note: The preferred citation for this collection is "From the Collections of the St. Louis Mercantile Library at the University of Missouri-St. Louiss.”

A Finding Aid is available for download below: 

P-7 Captain Thomas E. Kenny Collection.(pdf)