From Steamshovel Press #5:

Whose Saucers Are They?

by Jim Keith

There is no question in my mind that there is a "conspiracy" at the top running things, or at least attempting to run them. As to the nature of the conspiracy; that is another question. I had always assumed that it was big money rubbing shoulders and making secret deals in cabals like the Bilderbergers, the Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission, but lately I haven't been so sure. I've begun to take seriously the thought that there really might be a secret centuries-old agenda among the Illuminate not mention the Templars, the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, the Knights of Malta or the Priory of Sion. No, I haven't completely bought into the Lear-Cooper Hamilton-English-Lazar-et. al. scenario, that the "boys" behind this age-old conspiracy really run things from outer space, or even the inner earth, but I'm no longer dismissing it out of hand, either. George Bush knew the connotations of the term "New World Order" when he used it. As a 33rd degree Mason and a member of Skull and Bones and the CIA and God knows what other groups of kameraden, how could he not? He would also be aware that using that phrase would be calculated to set every right-wing conspiritologist in the country spinning. The question was: what is he getting at? Was it a phrase used as a code to alert other members of the Masons or other in-group of something, of some culmination or mobilization or battle plan? Right about the same time that Bush uttered that phrase, I noticed that CBS started using an abstract geometrical station ID that metamorphosizes from an Eye in a Triangle and, perhaps, with the turning of the pyramidal forms, coalesces into an inverted five pointed star. I also notice that now they have replaced it with an immobile version that does not call up the same connotations. Perhaps a coincidence, but I'm certain that the bigwigs at CBS were quite aware of those symbolisms, too. Jerry Smith made the statement to me, "the United States is a Masonic conspiracy," and that seems like a succinct statement of something that is pretty obvious, yet admitted by few. Many of the founders of the United States were Masons and occultists, and the dollar bill looks like one of those hodgepodge Masonic aprons that you see George Washington depicted wearing in Masonic literature; it is crawling with Masonic symbols, slogans and numerology. Tim O'Neill's "Who Rules Over The Earth?" in Apocalypse Culture goes into the existence of a single archetypical world ruler, linking that personage to the symbolism of the Great Seal and the Great Invisible Government and says that, "...the political doctrines of Illuminism, the blueprints for the government of the Ruler, tend toward Universalism, Theocratism, Republicanism, in the original Platonic sense. The "New Secular Order" of the Seal is a pure, theocratic republic. Direct rule by the Monarch implies no necessity for church, state, or even family structure." When you think about various other fairly recent innovations like the UPC code and Electronic Fund Transfer, the United States of Europe and the laser tatooing handscan tested on 3000 recruits at Fort Benjamin, it's not hard to start thinking in paranoid lines. Now, here's where a clear cut connection to UFOlogy emerges. Many, if not most, students of the phenomenon of UFOs have long suspected that there might be a terrestrial origin to the saucers. Conspiratologist John Judge, in his tape, "Unidentified Fascist... To read the rest of this article and the others listed on the contents page of Steamshovel Press #5, order the back issue. $5 post paid from Steamshovel Press, POB 23715, St. Louis, MO 63121 Steamshovel Press Home Page