Data Encryption Standard

-DES is a feistel cipher
-Block Length is 64 bit
-Key Length is 56 bit
-No of rounds are 16
-Each round is applied on one Block Cipher
-Security depends primarly on "s-boxes"
-Each S-boxes maps 6 bits to 4-bits


Two classes of product ciphers

Feistel Cipher

Feistel cipher

simple structure
-if you do encrypt the message in this way it is easy to break for the attacker and further the security is very less
-so what should we do now?

Decryption in fiestal cipher

  • Decryption:cipher text = (Ln,Rn)
  • For each round i=n,n-1,........,1 compute
  •     Ri-1 = Li
        Li-1 = Ri ⊕ f(Ri-1,Ki)
        where f is round function and Ki is subkey
  • Plain text = (L0,R0)

  • Block cipher


    Full Size Cipher

    Transposition cipher

    -It involves rearrangement of bits,without changing value
    -Consider an n-bit cipher
    -How many key bits are necessary? n!
    -How many key bits are necessary ?

    Substitution cipher

    -It does not transpose bits,but substitutes values
    -can we model this as as permutation?
    -Yes.The n bits inputs and outputs can be represented as 2n bit sequences,with one 1 and rest 0's.this can be thus modeled as a transposition.
    -Thus it is a permutation of 2n values,thus needs
    Substitution cipher
    -No of possible r-arrangements = 8!
    -SIze of the key = [log2 8!]
    -In the case of a 3-bit transposition cipher,size of the key = log2 3!


    -Transposition cipher:ceil(log26)=3 bits
    -Substitution cipher:

    So what should we do now?

    Partial-Size key ciphers

    Components of Modern Block cipher

    Principle of Confusion and Diffusion


    Permutation Box(P-BOX)

    Other Components

    Properties of EX-OR

    Application of EX-OR

    Right circular shift

    A product cipher made of 2 rounds

    2 round Right circular shift
    -Here 8th bit of the plain text is XOR ed with the 8 th bit of the Key
    -From Xor we got 2 bits of output and passed to different positions in the middle text
    -And from there it is XOR ed with the 2nd and 4th bit of the Key and produces four output bits
    -An this four bit are passsed to 1,3,6,7 positions of the cipher text
    -Now you can see if you change or disturb one bit in the plain text then 4 bits are affected in the cipher text
    -Here we can feel Diffusion(the single bit is converted into 4 bits )so hiding from the plain text is provided
    -Here we can feel Confusion(the 1,3,6,7 bit are depend upon the 8th of k1,2nd and 4th bit of the k2)so hiding of cipher text from the Key is obtained

    Practical ciphers