Stream Cipher

Typically,process the palin text byte by byte


Block Cipher

As the name suggests where the block of data is encrypted


if the message has fewer no of bits than 'n' bits,padding must be done to make it'n' bits

if the message size is not a multiple of 'n',then it should be divided into 'n' bits blocks and the last block should be padded

Block cipher modes of operation

Five Modes Of Operation

-Electronic codebook mode(ECB)
-Cipher block chaining mode(CBC)(most popular)
-Output feedback mode(OFB)
-Cipher feedback mode(CFB)
-Counter mode(CTR)

Electronic code Book(ECB)

Remarks on ECB

Cipher Block Chaining(CBC)

Remarks on CBC

Cipher feedback maode(basic version)

Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode

Generating Key Stream for CFB