Secure Communication and Public Key Encryption

The "Key" Idea: Remember that A cryptosystem is a five-tuple (MATH) where the following conditions are satisfied:

1. $\QTR{bs}{P}$ is a finite set of possible plaintexts:

2. $\QTR{bs}{C}$ is a finite set of possible ciphertexts:

3. $\QTR{bf}{K}$ the keyspace, is the a finite set of possible keys:

4. For each KMATH there is and encryption rule eMATH and a corresponding decryption rule dMATH. Where

eMATH and dMATH are functions such that for all M$\in \QTR{bs}{P} $ ,dMATH(eMATH(M)) $\fallingdotseq $ M.

In general we think of cryptosystems as being used for two-way communication between individuals who want to carry on a private dialog. However, this is really not be practical for e-commerce. Consider the basic function of taking a credit card over the Web.

Suppose, however, that it were possible to find a cryptosystem for which knowing eMATH , and the general methodology used in its construction, did not lead to an easy computation of dMATH , then we could do the following.

Secure One-Way Communication: (eg Web Form)

1. Publish eMATH for the world to see. Tell the world that, if they want to communicate securely with you, all they need to is apply eMATH to the message before transmitting it. This because there is an acceptably small chance of someone discovering dMATH hence decoding there message.

2. When I received the encrypted message apply dMATH which, presumably only I know.


Secure Two-Way Communication:

Assume that we are dealing with a Cryptosystem such that

Suppose that we have two people PMATH and PMATH who want to communicate securely with each other. Each selects their own "one way system", KMATH and KMATH, from a Cryptosystem with the above listed properties .

PMATH and PMATH commmunicate as follows:

1. PMATH gives eMATH to PMATH and PMATH gives eMATH to PMATH.

2. Suppose PMATH wants to send message M to PMATH . PMATH computes C$\QTR{Large}{=}$ eMATH(dMATH(M)) and transmits it.

3. PMATH computes eMATH(dMATH(C))$\QTR{Large}{=}$ eMATH(dMATH(eMATH(dMATH(M))))$\QTR{Large}{=}$ eMATH(dMATH(M))$\QTR{Large}{=}$ M.

Why does this work?

sees is meaningful.

There are Examples of One Way Cryptosystems:

RSA ( The RSA algorithm was invented in 1978 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman):

1. Begin by choosing $\QTR{Large}{p}$ and $\QTR{Large}{q}$ to be two very large prime numbers.

2. Next choose $\QTR{Large}{e}$ , MATH, such that $\QTR{Large}{e}$ and MATH are relatively prime.

3. Referring back to the previous sections, we can find $\QTR{Large}{d}$ such that MATH. Note that $\QTR{Large}{e}$ and $\QTR{Large}{d}$ are "symmetric" for two way communication.

4. Here is RSA

Note: dMATH(eMATH(M)) $\fallingdotseq $ MMATH MMATH (MMATH)$^{\QTR{Large}{a}}$M$\fallingdotseq $ (1)$^{\QTR{Large}{a}}$M$\fallingdotseq $ M

And dMATH(eMATH(M))=M.

Example- Let $\QTR{Large}{p=47}$ and $\QTR{Large}{q=53}$. MATH


MATH and MATH. SoMATH. Choose $\QTR{Large}{e=35} $. Note MATH


Compute MATH


Suppose M$\QTR{Large}{=25}$ $\ $Check MATH


An Observation:

At first glance there may appear to be a security opening in RSA. A reasonable question that could be asked is, while it may be hard to factor $\QTR{Large}{n}$ all we really need to do is find $\QTR{Large}{d}$ such that MATH, so given, MATH, is there a way to compute MATH?

The answer is that it is as "hard" to compute MATH from $\QTR{Large}{n}$ as it is to factor $\QTR{Large}{n}$ it self. Here is the argument.

1. For the sake of clarity, set MATH. So if we know $\QTR{Large}{p}$ and $\QTR{Large}{q}$ we can quickly compute $\QTR{Large}{m}$.

Next the important direction.

2. Suppose there was an easy way to compute $\QTR{Large}{m}$ from $\QTR{Large}{n}$. To factor $\QTR{Large}{n}$, we would then only have to solve the two simultaneous equations.



in two unknowns $\QTR{Large}{p}$ and $\QTR{Large}{q}$.

Solving the first equation for p gives.


substituting this into the second equation gives.




The quadratic formula does the rest.