The Extreme Value Theorem

Theorem(The Extreme Value Theorem):

Let MATH be a continuous function then $\QTR{Large}{f\ }$must assume an absolute maximum value and an absolute minimum value.



Some Notes:



Let MATH MATH MATH. We write MATH if for any MATH there exists an $\QTR{Large}{n}$ such that

MATH MATH MATHWith the same meaning we sometimes write " MATH converges to $\QTR{Large}{a}$."



If MATH then either $\QTR{Large}{a}$ is the unique limit point of MATH or there exists an $\QTR{Large}{n}$ such

that MATH for all MATH


Suppose that the sequence does not become constant. That $\QTR{Large}{a}$ is a limit point follows from the fact that indeed all we have to show is that at least one member of MATHis in MATH . But, in fact, we are given MATH MATH MATH To see that the limit point is unique, let MATH be some other point and MATH it follows from the definition of "$\QTR{Large}{\lim }$" that

MATH can only contain a finite number of points of MATH and hence $\QTR{Large}{b}$ cannot be a limit point of that set. Why?


Homework Due March 16

Show that if MATH is a continuous function and MATH $\QTR{Large}{[c,d]}$ is such that MATH then



$\QTR{Large}{f}$ is continuous at $\QTR{Large}{a}$ means that for any MATH there is a MATH such that MATH

MATH means that for any MATH there is an $\QTR{Large}{n}$ such that MATH MATH

Combining these we have that for any MATH there is an $\QTR{Large}{n}$ such that MATH MATH

Which means MATH



In a closed interval MATHevery infinite set MATHcontains a subset that can be indexed as a sequence that converges to some MATH.


We will define a nested sequence of intervals MATH beginning with MATH

Begin by choosing any MATH Since $\QTR{Large}{S}$ is infinite either MATHor MATH contains an infinite subset MATH MATH MATH. Letting MATH be that interval, choose MATH MATH

By induction we can find MATH such that MATH contains an infinite subset

MATH MATH MATHand MATHChoose MATH and repeat the induction step.

Let MATH It is straight forward to show MATHsince MATH


Proof of The Extreme Value Theorem:

We show MATH assumes an absolute maximum value. To find an absolute minimum value ,one finds an absolute maximum of MATHand takes its negative.

Let MATHSince we know that $\QTR{Large}{A}$ is bounded, let MATH

We show that there exists an MATHsuch that MATH . We know that either MATH or $\QTR{Large}{l}$ is a limit point of $\QTR{Large}{A}$ or both. To show that MATH choose a sequence MATHsuch that MATH and for each MATH choose MATH MATHsuch that MATH Let MATHApplying the previous Theorem we can find a subsequence MATH and some MATH such that MATH To complete the proof one shows that:

  1. It is still the case that MATH

    As we defined it, a subsequence of a convergent sequence is also convergent, to the the same value.

    and hence by continuity

  2. MATH

    MATH MATHand MATH implies MATH