    <title>A Simple E-Mail Survey</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<body bgcolor="yellow">
<h1>A Simple E-Mail Survey</h1>
<hr> <form action="/servlet/FormServlet" method="POST"> 
         Communication with the server begins here
          Your data will be processed by FormServlet. 
          FormServlet also accepts the"GET" method

    <input name="E_Mail" type="hidden" value="SiegelJ@msx.umsl.edu"> 
          Who gets the email generated by FormServlet? 
          There can be more than one!!!
    <input type="hidden" name="from_address" value="simple_form@umsl.edu">
    <input type="hidden" name="Subject" value="Simple Mail with a Subject"> 
    <!-- The return address and subject of the email that is sent-->
    <input type="hidden" name="SMTPreturn" value="/accounts/faculty/siegel/public_html/FormsTalk/simplemail/simplemail_response.txt"> 
    <!-- The body of the email is this template(file) rewritten -->
    <input name="URLhead" type="hidden" value="/accounts/faculty/siegel/public_html/FormsTalk/simplemail/simplethanks.html">
    <!-- the directory address of a  template to by rewritten and use as the returned WebPage -->
    <!-- The use of "hidden"  for input fields is just cosmetic one can easily think of 
    examples where one might want the fields filled in by the person using the form -->
<!--*************************************************** The data below is used to rewrite the various templates ******************************************************-->
Your Name: <input name="TheName" type="text" value=" "> <p> Do you like Forms? <input type="radio" name="FormsQuestion" value="yes" > Yes <input type="radio" name="FormsQuestion" value="no"> No <hr> <!--end of the data --> <center> <input type="submit" value="Submit This Survey"> </center> </form> <!-- communication with the server ends here --> </body> </html>