Subcultural Theories of Deviance

(these ideas drawn from Goode, 1994-2008 chapter 3; and Pfohl, Images of Deviance and Social Control, 1985. See the disclaimer)

Critique of Strain Theories bringing into question the idea of consensus.

Thorsten Sellin: Culture Conflict

Edwin Sutherland: Differential Organization

Walter Miller: Lower Class Subculture (view as html)
  1. Trouble
  2. Toughness
  3. Excitement
  4. Smartness
  5. Fate
  6. Autonomy

Evaluation of Miller's Ideas:

Violence and Subculture

What is violence?

Covert Institutional Violence

Cross Cultural

Sociological Focus:

Family Violence

Social Image of Seriousness (140 equals least)(Rossi, et al, 1974)

Beat spouse 91
Beat stranger 64
Stranger rape 13
Rape former spouse 62
  1. Of all killers of relatives- 61% received no penalty
  2. 53% recevied no penalty if killed friend
  3. 36% no penalty if killed stranger

Social Learning?


Subculture of violence

Murder Summary


Theories: individual, cultural, structural, situational

  1. Too restrictive
  2. Is rape alien to society?
  1. Malamuth asks men: If no chance of getting caught, would you? 35% yes. Would you use force (vs. rape) 50% answer yes.
  2. Proclivity: believe rape myth, have used force, aroused by tapes of rape--similar results with convicted rapists.

Malamuth, et al 1992:

  1. Proximate causes- attitudes as above, anger towards women, impersonal sex.
  2. Distal factors: abused as child, socially poor and violent parents.
  1. Economic/Social class
  2. Comparative
  3. Racism
  4. Age , Region, etc.
  1. Routine activity
  2. Target availability
  3. Defensible space
  1. Normalcy
  2. Exaggeration
  3. Learned- (group rapes) subculture of rapists: Planning, recreation.
  1. Sadistic: 5% (rare, sex and violence fused)
  2. Anger: 40% (violent, psychological/social factors)
  3. Power: 55% (contempt, little force, domination of will, control, sociocultural factors)

Rape (summary)

Violence (complete notes)

Social Learning Theories

Owner: Robert O. Keel
References and Credits for this Page of Notes
Last Updated: Thursday, March 20, 2008 2:37 PM