
(these ideas drawn from Goode, 1994-2008 chapter 10. See the disclaimer)

Lots of Misunderstanding



Outweek's 1990 article: "The Secret Gay Life of Malcolm Forbes." marked the beginning of the phenomenon of exposing, against their will, the fact that certain supposed heterosexual are secretly practicing homosexuals or "outing"  


In "Sisters and Queers: The Decentering of Lesbian Feminism" Stein argus that "queer" is a better term than "lesbian" because it emphasizes what can't be assimilated.

Legal Changes  

SO: Most Americans are against discrimination against gays, but admit they would practice it themselves.

ETILOGY  (cause?)

Many homosexuals claim that they have no more choice in becoming gay than heterosexuals did in being straight, that is seems almost inconceivable that there is no genetic or hormonal component in its etiology.

Studies in 1991,1992, and 1995, found anatomical differences were located in the brains of homosexuals and heterosexuals. They claim that there is a 99.5% certainty that there is a gene or set of genes that predispose men to become homosexual.

BUT: this is controversial because the brain studies relied on the organs of deceased AIDS patients who were known to have engaged in homosexual relations; it is possible that the disease generated the difference the scientist observed, not the homosexuality.

AND: correlation does not demonstrate causality; it is entirely possible that engaging in certain sexual practices trigger biological processes that influence cerebral structure.

BUT: some gay activists have endorsed the findings, arguing that they show how unjust society's condemnation of homosexuality is; while other gay activities reject this argument, claiming the reasons why one seeks the companionship of same-sex partners should be irrelevant. Thus, the involuntary character of homosexuality is quite beside the point.

SO: The controversy continues.

Family Values

During the 1992 presidential campaign, homosexuality became  an issue as never before in the nations history; Republicans opposed civil right statutes that mentioned sexual preference status as defining a protected minority. Democratic Bill Clinton and Al Gore represented the most pro -lesbian and pro gay ticket in history.

BUT: the family values theme proved to lack appeal to the majority of voters who were more concerned about basic meat and potatoes issues such as jobs and the economy.

SO:  the stress on family values backfired for the Republicans, it failed to catch fire in the national election.

BUT: it remains absolutely central in hundreds of local elections: "family values" candidates are most likely to have a substantial impact on local school boards.

2004 election: "morality" dominates electoral process. The pendulum swings.

Gays In the Military?  

Gay Bashing


The Media

Essentialism vs. Constructionism


Disease analogy--yet saturates the person.

Social Constructionist:




Deviance- Ambiguity??


Tearoom Trade

  1. Displays situational nature of sexual behavior
  2. Social Construction of Self

Kinsey's Research

  1. 37% males--at least once--orgasm
  2. 13% males urges/desires
  3. 69% adolescents-sex play
  4. 4% exclusive homosexual
  5. 50% exclusive heterosexual
  6. Perhaps an exaggeration, but still indicates homosexuality is not a "fixed condition
  7. Female (Kinsey 1953): 20% of single women, 5% of all women, at least one act leading to orgasm

Recent Studies: National Life and Social Life Survey (1992), National Cancer Institute (1993)

"Sex in America"

How many Homosexuals Are There?

A low level of homosexuality  was revealed:


  1. There is no single infallible measure of homosexuality as some essentialist researches have claimed, homosexual sex is multidimensional.
  2. Homosexual expression is a distinctly "gendered" experience; men and women have dramatically different homosexual "styles"
  3. Many more males act on homosexual desires than females, especially from the onset of adolescence to the age of 18.
  4. Many more women who experience homosexual attraction and desire do no act on them. ( 59%  have experienced a homosexual desire without engaging in homosexual sex or regarding themselves as lesbians)
  5. Among females there is much less adolescent homosexual sex than among males.
  6. Males act on their homosexual impulses earlier in their lives and with much less inhibition; many of them experiment with homosexual behavior in adolescence and the give it up.
  7. Women engage in homosexual behavior for the first time much later in their lives.

BUT:  the  figures turned up by the "Sex in America" survey, are much lower than the figures turned up by Kinsey's's research team a half century ago. Why?

  1. Most observers and commentators of homosexuality reside in the nation's largest cities and there suburbs where homosexuality is vastly more common rather than in its small towns and rural areas where it is exceedingly rare. (The % identifying themselves as homosexuals or bisexuals varies form 9 % in the country's dozen largest cities to 1% in rural areas)
  2. It must be recognized that there is likely to be a political angle to the findings a survey on homosexuality may turn up.
    1. The goals of gay political activities are furthered by the finding that there are many homosexuals in the population, since this means that politicians cannot ignore a major segment of their constituency and must take their interests and demands into account.
    2. A conservative agenda is likely to be furthered by the discovery that there are few homosexuals in the population. The smaller the number of Americans who engage in the homosexuality the more plausible the claim that the vast majority of us "would never dream of indulging in such behavior"
  3. The prevalence of homosexuality in America depends very much on what homosexuality means in the first place - how it is defined? Constructionist perspectives assumes central importance. How should we define "a" homosexual?  

Elements of Social Identity

Becoming and Coming Out:

Male/Female Differences

Both condemned


  1. Impersonal
  2. Anonymous-60% One time only
  3. 4/5's-longest affair lasted less than one year
  4. Males begin earlier (60%@13)
  5. Process appears more patterned


  1. Fewer relationships
  2. Longer, more romantically involved (60%--3 or fewer partners)
  3. Little "cruising", little "tearoom" sex
  4. Females-more heterosexual contact (more likely than heterosexual females)
  5. Females: First experience typically later in life (51%@20)
  6. "Drift"
  7. Less of a structured Subculture
  8. Most "Happy and Satisfied" with their lesbian role

Public Image--less fear and hostility towards lesbian

Males find lesbian sexual activity erotic!?


Mental Disorder

URL: http://www.umsl.edu/~keelr/200/homsex.html
Owner: Robert O. Keel rok@umsl.edu
References and Credits for this Page of Notes
Last Updated: Thursday, March 27, 2008 12:20 PM