Biological and Psychological Theories of Deviance

(these ideas drawn from Goode, 1994-2008 chapter 2; and Pfohl, Images of Deviance and Social Control, 1985. See the disclaimer)

Biological Positivism

(Pathological Theories)

(these ideas are drawn from Pfohl, Images of Deviance and Social Control, 1985)



Franz Gall (late 18th century)

Phrenology (from: the Skeptic's Dictionary)

Phrenology (Check out this site Phrenology in America and "bumps and lumps")

  1. openness-secretiveness
  2. acquisitiveness-generosity
  3. eroticism

Benjamin Rush (1812: First American Text on psychiatry)

  1. Lying
  2. Crime
  3. "Revolutiona" (opposition to the American Revolution)

Cesare Lombroso: 1876 The Criminal Man

1939: Earnest Hooton: "The American Criminal"

1949: William Sheldon: "Varieties of Delinquent Youth"

  1. Endoderm: digestive system
  2. Ectoderm: skin and nervous system
  3. Mesoderm: bones, muscles


  1. Endomorph: fat, round--Psych: luxury, sloth, consumption.
  2. Ectomorph: frail, skinny, gangly--Psych: introverts, cunning, stealth.
  3. Mesomorph: large, strong, hard--Psych: active, dynamic, assertive, forceful.

picture from:

  1. Maybe need a tough body to gain acceptance/survive on the streets.
  2. Body type and social meaning--the boys were already judged to be delinquent.




XYY Chromosomes:

Bio-Social Theory

Psychological Theories



Erik Erikson: Child development

  1. Identity diffusion: excessively self-conscious, overly concerned with sexuality
  2. Identity foreclosure: problem of unfulfilled expectations
  3. Negative identity: (objected to by others)- rebel to be noticed


Learning Theories

Albert Bandura

Moral Development

Predictability and Problems:
