Talking About Drugs
(See: Drugs in American Society, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th editions, Erich Goode, McGraw-Hill, 1999/2005/2008/2012/2014. Chapter 1/4)

The Social Construction of Reality

"Facts" and Interpretation

Are Drugs Good or Bad?

  1. Drugs are Bad: No use
  2. Some Drugs (medicines) are useful: Legally Controlled and Medical Use
  3. Drugs have Magical Properties: Spiritual Use
  4. Some Drugs are Not Really Drugs: Beer
  5. Drugs are Benign

Cultural values help create what we define as reality:

Drugs are neither good nor bad. Drugs are neither magical nor benign. Some substances have pharmacological properties, we are biological entities, and there are interesting interactions. BUT, it is essential to understand the social context which surrounds drug use in order to make sense of the outcome(s) associated with the use of any substance.

Thinking Logically about Reality: Procrustean and Manichean Arguments vs. Matters of Degrees (Fuzzy Logic).

What constitutes a drug, the effect(s) of a drug and the impact of drug use===> The Substance(s) + The Person + The Immediate Socio-Environmental Context + The Wider Socio-Cultural Context: CONTINGENCIES

Gender and Drugs

"The relevance of gender and sex role is especially crucial,..., in the social construction of drug use, that is, not so much what drugs are and do, but how users are seen by the public, how drug use is conceptualized as a social problem, how drugs and drug users are presented in the media, how politicians talk about drugs and legislate laws to control it, .... and so on." (Goode, p. 84)

Specific Issues

Other Drug Policy Alliance Resources

Issues to Consider in the Study of Drug Use:

Perhaps the biggest questions are: What is it that distinguishes the Controlled user from the Problem user? And, How Do We Define Problematic Use?

But first, what is a Drug?

Owner: Robert O. Keel
References and Credits for this Page of Notes
Last Updated: Friday, October 6, 2017 3:26 PM