Chapter 5, Drill a: Drill personal endings of verbs.

For each Latin verb, provide the requested form.

audio (we) Answer: audimus.

1. specto (I)
2. iuvo (you, singular)
3. intro (she)
4. laudo (we)
5. rogo (you, plural)
6. clamo (they)
7. maneo (I)
8. respondeo (you, singular)
9. dico (we)
10. iaceo (you, plural)
11. trado (they)
12. audio (he)
13. accedo (I)
14. emo (you, singular)
15. pono (she)
16. ascendo (we)
17. curro (they)
18. do (I)
19. audio (you, singular)
20. trado (he)
21. dormio (we)
22. advenio (you, plural)
23. curo (they)
24. curro (I)
25. curro (they)
26. sum (I)
27. sum (they)
28. sum (you, singular)
29. sum (she)
30. sum (we)
31. sum (you, plural)

Go to the next exercise.