Chapter 49, Drill a: Practice using impersonal verb constructions.

Each English sentence below contains a phrase in parentheses which can be expressed in Latin with an impersonal verbal construction. Provide the correct Latin phrase, keeping the verb last in its phrase or clause:

The Romans (were tired of war). Answer: belli taedebat or belli taeduit

1. The moon (happens to be shining [use luceo]).
2. We may catch up.
3. Octavian (liked [was delighted; habitual or continual action] to be called) "Augustus".
4. Augustus (had to [it behooved him to; habitual or continual action] wage [use gero]) many wars.
5. Some senators (were pleased to/decided [snapshot] to go [ire]) into exile.
6. Fortunately (we were allowed to remain [snapshot]) in the city.
7. Augustus (liked to [it pleased him to; repeated or habitual] strengthen) people's admiration for him.
8. (Augustus had to [it behooved him to; repeated or habitual] threaten) those who did not like his autocratic rule.
9. Politicians (have to [it behooves them to] pursue) public approval.
10. (They [use is, ea, id, masc.] were tired of exile [snapshot].)
11. (We ought to yield) to the general.
12. Augustus (happened [finished; use perfect] to wage) many wars. [to wage war = bellum gerere]
13. (It is not right, i.e. it is wrong) to defraud the weak.
14. (Augustus was never ashamed [habitual]) to be called "Augustus".
15. The army (arrived) after a fast march.
16. They (remained [snapshot]) for six hours.
17. They (fought [snapshot]) fiercely.
18. He (ordered [use impero] me) to go.
19. Augustus (spared many [finished; use perfect]) who had fought against him.
20. (Vergilus was persuaded [finished; perfect]) to praise Augustus.
21. The soldiers (went) to camp immediately.
22. (I am spared.)
23. Many who had fought with Antony (were spared [snapshot]).
24. People (ran [snapshot]) this way and that.
25. (He [is, ea, id] is weary of life).
26. (It's raining).
27. (It is necessary) to stop now.
28. (It's snowing).
29. (It's thundering).
30. The soldiers (happened to set out) too soon.