Chapter 17, Drill c: practice use of the imperfect tense.

The verb or verb phrase in parentheses in each of the following short English sentences can be translated into Latin using the imperfect tense. Provide the correct form of the Latin verb from recent chapters corresponding to the English verb phrase.

Quintus (was walking) to school when Gaius called him. Answer: ambulabat.

1. We (trusted) him for a long time.
2. They (used to read) all the time.
3. Cicero (was giving) a speech ([the idiom is orationem habere] when a loud commotion could be heard.
4. Quintus (lived) in Apulia [use habito].
5. You (plural) always (wanted) [use cupio] to make money, not study philosophy.
6. They (kept promising) to provide jobs.
7. The soldiers frequently (went away).
8. You (singular) (didn't have) money for a long time.
9. He often (told) [use narro] us a story.
10. All day yesterday I (was) sick.
11. For years they (demanded) freedom.
12. All semester you (singular) (tried) to study.

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