Verb aspects

Meanings of Latin present, imperfect, present perfect
Latin tenseMeaning or aspectEnglish tense
presentaction going on nowpresent progressive: I am standing (now).
action is generally true but not necessarily at this momentsimple present: I go to school every day.
[present] perfectaction finished at present or with results into the presentpresent perfect: I have met her (and therefore I know her now).
He has died (and is dead now).
snapshot: completed actionsimple past: I saw an accident.
I did (not) do it.
imperfectpast action with no implication about continuation into the presentpast progressive: You were studying at midnight (but no implication about whether you studied beyond that time).
continued action in the pastsimple past + time expression (continually did . . .): He played basketball all through high school.
Quintus lived in Rome for many years.
repeated or habitual action in the past simple past + adverb (did often or frequently, used to): I used to scold my children, but now I am kinder.
She frequently went to the movies.
We came to class every day last semester.