<IMG SRC="http://images.internet.com/ads/2001/06/flashkit468.gif" WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=60 usemap="#flash-conf" BORDER=0>

Home } Generators } Popup Window Maker

Don't worry any more about editing the code by hand, use our code generator! Fill out the specifications of the popup window you would like to use, including the URL and the various options such as menubars, toolbars, scrollbars, etc, and click the generate button. Just add this generated code to your site, or even have us mail it to you! Neat!

This machine will make a script that will pop up and optionally center the popup window for you. Fill in the values below and click Make Code.
What filename should be opened?
(filename or http://....)
Would you like it to have toolbars?
Would you like the window to have scrollbars?
Would you like it to have the location bar?
Would you like it to have a status bar?
Would you like it to have a menu bar?
Would you like it to be resizeable?
How wide would you like it to be? (in pixels)
How high would you like it to be? (in pixels)
How should the window be opened?
Should we center the window on screen?

"Cut and Paste" the code above, or....

We'll send your generated code to you!

(just click "Send it!" once!)

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We'll send this script to you!

(just click "Send it!" once!)

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