University of Missouri - St. Louis Summer Institute 2002
June 4, 2002, 2:30pm - 4:00pm ; June 12, 2002, 2:30pm - 4:00pm

Creating Online Bibliographies

by Raleigh Muns (

Exercise 1:

Using JSTOR. Create a URL to the following item:

Adams, Henry. "Count Edward de Crillon." American Historical Review vol. 1, no. 1 October 1895, pp. 51-69

JSTOR - URL Maker at

Once you identify your URL, do the following steps -

  1. Click and drag to highlight the entire URL
  2. Copy the URL to the clipboard (Ctrl-C is one way to do this, or use the EDIT menu at the top of your browser window).
  3. Open up a new document in a word processor such as Notepad or Wordpad
  4. Type in the following: <a href="
  5. With your cursor at the end of what you typed in, paste the URL on the clipboard.
  6. With your cursor at the end of your pasted URL, type the following - ">Read this</a>
  7. Save your document to the desktop AS A TEXT DOCUMENT giving it the name "test.htm"

This is what you link should like in the word processor:

<a href="http://this_is_where_you_paste_your_URL">Read This </a>

Click on the file "test.htm" on the desktop and test your URL.
Bonus Exercise: Find an alternative, easier way to get a URL for this article.

Exercise 2:

Find an article in either ABI/Inform or Periodical Abstracts

Create a "durable link"

Copy and paste into a URL (as above) and test.

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