Benefits of Course


Difference Compared To Other Courses


Visual Communication


Improve Writing Skills




New Technologies


Analytical Methods




English 313

Instructor: Dr. William D. Klein

Over the past decade, the World Wide Web has become a valid medium for exchanging tangibles and intangibles, for speaking and listening to others, for real human interaction. Good communication skills are critical to human interaction, and to an effective use of the Web, but not all the skills we've learned from non Web-based communications are transferable to the Web.

How can we learn these skills? In this course, English 313, Advanced Business and Technical Writing, we examine Web-based communications from a rhetorical point of view and look for ways to improve our knowledge and skills in using the Web as a medium for communication.


This course is project-driven and group-oriented. You will work together with other students to learn the different aspects of web design. Included in these aspects is rhetoric.

The course will begin with a brief introduction to rhetorical theories and analytical methods, and then explore ways to implement what we learn in a website or two of our own.

We will do rhetorical analyses on the web, looking at Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.

To the left you'll find links to topics we study in Advanced Business and Technical Writing. Please take a moment to click into each one, I'm sure you find it interesting and worthwhile.

To view all the different aspects of rhetoric please click on above link, titled: rhetorical point of view.

You can always reach my professor by email at, or by voicemail at 314-516-5593.


Home | Groupwork | New Technologies | Differences | Visual

Benefits | Writing Skills | Analytical Methods | Genres