Web Page Development: For this assignment, you will create a personal home page, and put it up on the World Wide Web (WWW). The page should include some basic information about you, and some links to sites related to you and your interests.Your home page should have a title (what the browser displays at the top of the window).I suggest you call it Home Page of , but you can use any title. You must include at least two images or graphics on your home page. You may either copy the image to your html directory, or you may create a direct link to the image's original site.

The body of the personal home page should have your name and e-mail address. Make use of the available headings to give a professional appearance to your page. The e-maildress should include a "hot link," so that any person with proper settings in their browser should be able to send you a message directly from your home page.

Following your name and e-mail address, you should have a section describing yourself. You might entitle it "About Me." In this section you should include links to the WWW page for this class, the MIS Area, the School of Business Administration and the University of Missouri - St. Louis. State your education background, and include a link to other colleges and universities you have attended. If you are employed, state where you work, and include a link to the company home page if it exists. You may then include any additional information you would like to share with us (remembering that the page can be accessed by anyone in the world). If there are sites related to this information, include a link to them.

The next section should include information about your interests, hobbies, etc.; you might entitle it "My Interests and Favorite Links." Search the Web and find pages which relate to your interests. You must include at least four more links of your choice.

Another section should include information about your professional interests. This might be technological pages you believe to be interesting. Or, it might include information of interest to your current employer, job or industry. You must include at least four more links in this area.

Your personal home page file should be named "index.htm" or "index.html." If you created the page in Windows, you will need to transfer it to the html directory on your Admiral account. This directory is the public directory. You can do this transfer using the FTP program demonstrated in class. However, remember that every time you make changes to your page in Windows, you must transfer the page again to your Admiral account.

You can use my sample page as a reference to how to do your home page. Of course, you are free to add more and make your page more "cool." After you create your home page, ensure that all of the links are working properly. Once your page has passed the final quality check, send me an email message providing me with the location of your page. On the due date, print a copy of your home page and turn it in. Some helpful pages are available for reference.