SQL ASSIGNMENT (Assignment 1) 0. Create a view called Orders. Use it in the following qurries, whereever relevant. Print the contents of the view. An order is a row in quotations that has a non-zero order quantity. 1.Retrieve the description and part number from INVENTORY for items on order from more than one supplier. 2.Select all the information from INVENTORY where the part is not a nut, bolt, belt or wheel. Order the result primarily by description and secondarily by part number, both in descending order. 3.For each part number in QUOTATIONS, determine the maximum quantity on order and the average delivery time for orders placed. 4.For each supplier, list the parts supplied. 5.Select the minimum, maximum and average price for part numbers 221 and 222 from the QUOTATIONS table. 6.Select the distinct supplier numbers from QUOTATIONS where there is an amount on order and the delivery time is from 0 to 20. 7.Select the supplier number, part number, delivery time, the price plus a 7% sales tax, and the total value (including tax) for each order in the QUOTATIONS table. 8.Create Supplies Table and load data in it. 9.Print a report that shows Part No, Description and Total Quantity (QONHAND + QTY_DISP). 10.List the suppliers who have not dispatched any items in this year (1988). 11.List parts for which total quantity exceeds 100. 12.Create a view from Quotes where qonorder>10.00. Display the view. Note: Where ever an item on order is mentioned consider only those rows that have an order quantity greater than zero.