Film Noir Topics


Melodrama is a mode, not a genre. Is film noir similarly a mode?

What position does film noir reflect/take on attacks against traditional masculinity?


Using examples from the films, readings and/or videos, examine how film noir is a space where insecurity of masculinity/the role of women can be explored. Through the scenery? Dialogue? Framing? 


 Argue whether film noir can truly be considered a genre or more of an "attitude". Our readings have gone back and forth, so what do you think? Support your claim with readings (or videos) and examples.


Apply the constituents of film noir to another genre. Does it work?


Consider the role of weapons (or language) in film noir and how they contribute to a power dynamic.

Can films noir be compared Westerns with regards to genre tropes?


Are the roles of men and women revered in film noir? Support the answer with multiple dichotomies of men and women in film noir.

Compare and contrast the portrayal of women in film noir and the 'saloon/bad girl' in  westerns.

Can film noir work without a femme fatale?

Are the females always femmes fatale? What if the roles were reversed? Would it have been accepted?

Does the femme fatal role lean towards feminist ideals?

What does the innocent/naive character represent in film noir?

 In recent films, both parties live to tell the tale. In the past, someone always either is murdered or given up. What does this say about relationships in film noir? Has it evolved? Explain why. Provide examples.

Are westerns the polar opposite of film noir? Compare characters, conflicts, endings, and character roles.