English 4950: Cool Old Movies

Spring 20198

Short-Answer Midterm Outline


Below you will find the ID terms I’ve settled on, drawn from your lists and mine.  Twelve of the terms will appear on Wednesday’s midterm, and you will be asked to identify eight of them, providing both a brief definition and an account of their relevance to our study Hollywood film or a specific example—no more than three or four sentences.  Eight items x five points per item = 40 total points for the assignment; scores will be transformed into a letter grade.


I’ll set aside about 25 minutes of class time for the quiz; remember that it accounts for (only) 10% of your final grade.  On Monday we can spend a few minutes clearing up any remaining mysteries about the terms.


180-degree rule                     



Big Five/Little Three              

block booking             

Classic Hollywood Narration             

continuity editing                   

Fearless Panoram Dolly                     

Kuleshov effect                      

Laura Mulvey             




option contract                      

Paramount case

point of view/viewpoint                     

Production Code                    

represented/expressive space                       

screwball comedy                  

shot/reverse shot                   

story vs. plot               

vertical integration