Below you will find the twenty ID terms I’ve settled on, drawn from your lists and mine.  Twelve of the terms will appear on the quiz, and you will be asked to identify eight of them, providing both a brief definition and account of their relevance to the study of Chaucer—no more than three or four sentences.


I’ll set aside about 20 minutes of class time for the quiz; remember that it accounts for (only) 5% of your final grade.  On Monday of next week we can spend a few minutes clearing up any remaining mysteries about the terms.



affective piety                        

Albertanus of  Brescia


Cretan Liar paradox


De casibus virorum illustrium            

exemplum / narracio

expulsion of the Jews (1290)

Floating Fragment

Fourth Lateran Council (1215)


Miracle of the Virgin



rash promise

rhyme royal

St. Hugh of Lincoln

tail-rhyme romance

Wheel of Fortune

William of St. Amour