Modern English survivals of Old English vocabulary


Text Box: Adjectives:
god, good		wid, wide
fæst, fast		halig, holy
rice, rich		an, nan, one, none
heah, hierra, hiehst, high, higher, highest
micel, mara, mæst, much,more, most

in, in, on		on, in, on
to, to, toward	for, for
ofer, over		under, under
æfter, after	æt, at
Þurh, through

Conjunctions:	and, ond, and		gif, if  	Þeah, though


       god, God          dæg, day

       mann, man       hand, hand      

       heofon, heaven cynn, kin

       eorđe, earth      riht, right

       lif, life              Þanc, thank

       lufu, love          engel, angel

       word, word       weorc, work



       ic, I          Þu, thou    he, he

       hit, it        Þæt, that   hwa, who

       Þis, this    hwæt, what      



       sittan, sit         secan, seek

       healdan, hold   bran, bear

       giefan, give      cuman, come

       seon, see          beon, wæs, be, was

       don, dyde, do, did



       to, too              eall, all

       swa, so, as                Þær, there

       Þanne, then      nu, now

       ær, ere, before    wide, widely