3310 Copia exercise

Original sentence: I am very worried about the essay due this week.


I am very concerned about the paper due in two fortnights.

Surely the due date of this essay frightens me, for the end of the month is close.

My heart skipped a beat when I recalled to my mind the notion that my assignment for 3310 is due in fifteen days.

October’s final assignment frightens me, even now.

O, terribly long paper, due as October ends, you plague me so.

The stress I am under is overwhelming due to this paper I must write by the end of the month.

I can’t wait until I get this essay turned in and I don’t have to think about it anymore.

Do you feel challenged by the writing assignment, meant to be prepared within the next thirty days?

The prospect of Grady placing harsh judgment on the fruits of my glorious written labor in the last days of the month brings me deep anguish.

Paper? What paper?

My favorite class’s next deadline hovers over me like a hatchet.

I am so worried about the essay due on October 31st that I haven’t even picked my Halloween costume yet.

Although I am worried about the climate of the planet, I am more worried about the paper due at the end of the month.

The impending doom of an essay deadline has me drowning in doubt.

I am painstakingly perplexed by the paper I must pass to my professor in a pitiful amount of time.

The critical response that I am obliged to generate at the finale of this month has me flummoxed.

My body aches, my heart weeps, and my brain is on the verge of a collapse at the mere thought of the inevitable homework coming up.

The thesis due has been gnawing at me, and will continue to do so until the close of October.

I am extremely concerned about the essay at the end of the term.

Exponential fret encroaches upon me as we move closer to the deadline of the paper

The essay due this month gives me stress.

The record to be completed by my hand in time to come vexes my being.



Ah, this essay will disturb my slumber until the day it is due.

The essay due this week does not please me.

I am feeling exceedingly dreadful about the essay due this week.

The sheets with ink on them I must turn in to Professor Grady this week make me nervous.

I cannot eat or drink for the worry that plagues me over my paper due this week.

The essay due this week has me spooked.

An essay fills my heart with worry these seven days.

I’m straight worried about that essay we got this week.

Text Box: Desiderius Erasmus (1466-1536)I shake in worry about the essay due this week.

I’d be lying if I said this essay is the least of my worries.

I am petrified of the impending doom of the paper due in seven days’ time.

I am overcome with fear, for I must write an essay this week.

I look to this essay with worry, I do.

Soon this paper is due, and I am left in anxious purgatory.

Dreadful is my mind, while contemplating this week’s essay.

Anxiety stirs within me from an upcoming assignment’s due date.

In contemplating the impending essay, I required a fainting couch.

Next week an essay is due about which I am very worried.

Screw the essay due this week; the worry is giving me crippling depression.

This impending assignment occupies my thoughts.

I continue to find myself heavily concerned in regards to the essay due for submission this week.

The essay that is due this week has me very perturbed.

Uneasiness fills me because of the paper due this week.

The essay being due in a few days has caused me much restlessness.

Worried about an essay due this week I am.

I don’t know good words, and that will reflect on my upcoming essay.

When I think of the upcoming assignment, I feel myself submerged in an ice bath.

By the end of this week, my hair will be gray because of this essay.

I long for the future; I dream of the eighth day when I no longer have writing responsibilities.




I’m frightened that the paper due this week will be received poorly.

I fear I would rather die than produce this essay for a grade.

Tired I am, for the stress from writing this paper by its due date is bothering me.

I am paralyzed with fear over the writing I must give to my professor one day hence.

I cannot take my mind off the troubling thoughts I have regarding my essay due this week.

I am both scared and anxiety-ridden over the assignment I must deliver to my professor soon.

I am worried to the bone about the essay.

Due to the essay this week, I slump with despair.

Thoughts of turmoil arise as I prepare my essay for tomorrow’s deadline.

I am struck with worry as this essay approaches.

All week this essay has been my biggest worry.

The essay sends a jolt of worry through me with every thought.

How will I ever finish this essay when all I can do is worry about its due date?

I grow weary of the looming task I must finish by the week’s end.

The stress overwhelms me while I ponder topics for my project before I must turn it in in a few days.

There is much ado about something, and that something is the essay dead-lined for this week.

Good God, our paper is due this week, and it has me so worried I could spit.



Due at the end of this week is a paper that has me very worried.

I wouldn’t be so worried if there were not an essay due this week.

I am freaking out about the blob of text I have to churn out this week.

I couldn’t sleep last night because I was thinking of the essay that is due this week.

My worry about the essay due this week could crush Atlas.

I don’t want to write this paper.

I tremble at the thought of the essay due this week.

I would feel more comfortable about turning in the essay this week if I knew where to begin.

I hope this week comes slow because this essay due has my stomach in a knot.

The essay due this week is driving me insane with worry.

There is an essay due this week, and the thought of completing such an arduous task has me feeling quite worried.

Damn this essay! It’s all I can think about.  Thank God after this week I’ll be done with it.

On this seven-day cycle I find myself flustered over the thought of the paper I have need to deliver now.

The essay due tomorrow is a black cloud over my head.

The worry that has fallen on me is due to an essay that has to be finished this week.

My blood pressure has increased due to an essay due this week.

To a great extent is the essay due this week worrying me.

O essay, you are the source of my worries.