ENGLISH 2310                                                          FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE

GRADY                                                              FALL 2017


A. Terms you should be able to identify (6 of 9; 30%):


carpe diem                   

epic catalogue

epic simile                   

felix culpa


Glorious Revolution            

heroic couplet                       

in medias res     

mock epic           

Oliver Cromwell

prevenient grace 


The Spectator    





B. Passages you should be able to identify (6 of 9, roughly 60%)—they will be drawn from Paradise Lost, Books 1-5, 8-10, 12, including supplementary passages; Pope’s Rape of the Lock; the poetry of Donne (“The Canonization,” “The Indifferent,” “The Flea,” "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning") and  Marvell (“To His Coy Mistress).


C. A surprise section worth 10 points!