import ij.*; import ij.gui.*; import java.awt.*; import ij.plugin.filter.PlugInFilter; import ij.process.*; /** RGBfromRIS * * Gets Log Complex Color Image from Real-Imaginary-Saturation. * * This example adapted by pf from tutorial plugins named * ColorInverter & StackAverage found with the tutorial at * * */ public class xyColorFromXY_ implements PlugInFilter { protected ImagePlus imp; // defines an instance variable, protected means what? static double apang=0; public int setup(String arg, ImagePlus imp) { if (arg.equals("about")) {showAbout(); return DONE;} this.imp=imp; return DOES_32+STACK_REQUIRED; // checks for stacked floats as input } public void run(ImageProcessor ip) { if (!showDialog()) return; ImageStack stack=imp.getStack(); // sets up the image stack for access // get width, height and the region of interest int w = ip.getWidth(); int h = ip.getHeight(); int nslices = (int) stack.getSize(); // gets the number of stack slices int dimension = ip.getWidth()*ip.getHeight(); float[] pixels01 = (float[]) stack.getPixels(1); // gets the first slice pixel array float[] pixels02 = (float[]) stack.getPixels(2); // gets the 2nd slice pixel array float[] pixels03 = new float[dimension]; if (nslices>2) {pixels03 = (float[]) stack.getPixels(3);} // create a new image with the same size and copy the pixels of the original image ImagePlus cRGB = NewImage.createRGBImage ("xyColor stack", w, h, 2, NewImage.FILL_BLACK); ImageStack xyStack = cRGB.getStack(); int[] ispixels = (int[]) xyStack.getPixels(1); // sets up the new image pixel array int[] sspixels = (int[]) xyStack.getPixels(2); double hue=0; double satL=0; double lightness; double satV=0; double brightness=0; double amplitude, phase; // double hh,tr,tg,tb; int i, rint, gint, bint; double f, p, q, t; double r=0; double g=0; double b=0; double real,imag,is,ss; // IJ.showMessageWithCancel("testwindow","look out"); for (int j=0;j0) {phase = 0;} else {phase=Math.PI; amplitude=-amplitude;} // amplitude = pixels01[j]; // phase = pixels02[j]; // from these get hue[0..360], satL[0..1], and lightness[0..1] (HSL parameters) if(phase >= 0){ // already positive convert to degrees hue = 360.*phase/(2*Math.PI); // HSB all float between 0 and 1 except hue } else { // move to positive branch cut and degrees hue = 360.*(phase+2*Math.PI)/(2*Math.PI); } if (nslices>2) { satL = pixels03[j]; } else { satL=1; } // if ((j>(dimension/2.))&&!IJ.showMessageWithCancel("check inputs","amplitude="+IJ.d2s(amplitude)+" satL="+IJ.d2s(satL)+" phase="+IJ.d2s(phase))) {break;} if(amplitude<1) { // if pixel value < 1, brightness increases with amplitude if (amplitude == 0) { lightness = 0; // if ((j>(dimension/2.0))&&!IJ.showMessageWithCancel("amplitude=0","amplitude="+IJ.d2s(amplitude)+" satL="+IJ.d2s(satL)+" phase="+IJ.d2s(phase))) {break;} } else { lightness = 0.5/(1.0-Math.log(amplitude)); // if ((j>(dimension/2.0))&&!IJ.showMessageWithCancel("amplitude<1","amplitude="+IJ.d2s(amplitude)+" satL="+IJ.d2s(satL)+" phase="+IJ.d2s(phase)+" lightness="+IJ.d2s(lightness))) {break;} } } else { // if pixel value > 1, saturation decreases as amplitude goes up if (amplitude < Math.exp(100)) { lightness = 1 - (0.5)/(1+Math.log(amplitude)); // if ((j>(dimension/2.0))&&!IJ.showMessageWithCancel("amplitude>1","amplitude="+IJ.d2s(amplitude)+" satL="+IJ.d2s(satL)+" phase="+IJ.d2s(phase))) {break;} } else { lightness = 1; } } // next get H[0..360]S[0..1]V[0..1] from HSL if (satL==0) { satV=0; brightness = lightness; } else if (lightness<0.5) { // cautious 1/2 in java becomes zero brightness = lightness*(1.+satL); satV = (2.*satL)/(1.+satL); // if ((j>(dimension/2.))&&!IJ.showMessageWithCancel("lightness<0.5","satL="+IJ.d2s(satL)+" lightness="+IJ.d2s(lightness)+" satV="+IJ.d2s(satV)+" bri="+IJ.d2s(brightness))) {break;} // IJ.showStatus("satV"); } else { // lightness>0.5 brightness = lightness + satL*(1 - lightness); satV = 2.*(1-lightness)*satL/brightness; // correct if lightness>1/2 // if ((j>(dimension/2))&&!IJ.showMessageWithCancel("lightness>0.5","satL="+IJ.d2s(satL)+" lightness="+IJ.d2s(lightness)+" satV="+IJ.d2s(satV)+" bri="+IJ.d2s(brightness))) {break;} // satV = satL/brightness; // wrong } // finally get R[0..1]G[0..1]B[0..1] from HSV if( satV == 0 ) { // achromatic (grey) r = brightness; g = brightness; b = brightness; } else { hue /= 60; // sector 0 to 5 i = (int) Math.floor( hue ); f = hue - i; // fractional part of h p = brightness * ( 1 - satV ); q = brightness * ( 1 - satV * f ); t = brightness * ( 1 - satV * ( 1 - f ) ); switch( i ) { case 0: r = brightness; g = t; b = p; break; case 1: r = q; g = brightness; b = p; break; case 2: r = p; g = brightness; b = t; break; case 3: r = p; g = q; b = brightness; break; case 4: r = t; g = p; b = brightness; break; default: r = brightness; g = p; b = q; break; } } rint = (int) (255.*r); gint = (int) (255.*g); bint = (int) (255.*b); // now encode these values into the new cColor image ispixels[j] = ((rint & 0xff) << 16) + ((gint & 0xff) << 8) + (bint & 0xff); // ------------ shear strain or perpendicular colors --------------- amplitude = (real*Math.cos(0.5*Math.PI-apang) + imag*Math.sin(0.5*Math.PI-apang)); if(amplitude>0) {phase = -Math.PI/2.0;} else {phase=Math.PI/2.0; amplitude=-amplitude;} // from these get hue[0..360], satL[0..1], and lightness[0..1] (HSL parameters) if(phase >= 0){ // already positive convert to degrees hue = 360.*phase/(2*Math.PI); // HSB all float between 0 and 1 except hue } else { // move to positive branch cut and degrees hue = 360.*(phase+2*Math.PI)/(2*Math.PI); } if (nslices>2) { satL = pixels03[j]; } else { satL=1; } // if ((j>(dimension/2.))&&!IJ.showMessageWithCancel("check inputs","amplitude="+IJ.d2s(amplitude)+" satL="+IJ.d2s(satL)+" phase="+IJ.d2s(phase))) {break;} if(amplitude<1) { // if pixel value < 1, brightness increases with amplitude if (amplitude == 0) { lightness = 0; // if ((j>(dimension/2.0))&&!IJ.showMessageWithCancel("amplitude=0","amplitude="+IJ.d2s(amplitude)+" satL="+IJ.d2s(satL)+" phase="+IJ.d2s(phase))) {break;} } else { lightness = 0.5/(1.0-Math.log(amplitude)); // if ((j>(dimension/2.0))&&!IJ.showMessageWithCancel("amplitude<1","amplitude="+IJ.d2s(amplitude)+" satL="+IJ.d2s(satL)+" phase="+IJ.d2s(phase)+" lightness="+IJ.d2s(lightness))) {break;} } } else { // if pixel value > 1, saturation decreases as amplitude goes up if (amplitude < Math.exp(100)) { lightness = 1 - (0.5)/(1+Math.log(amplitude)); // if ((j>(dimension/2.0))&&!IJ.showMessageWithCancel("amplitude>1","amplitude="+IJ.d2s(amplitude)+" satL="+IJ.d2s(satL)+" phase="+IJ.d2s(phase))) {break;} } else { lightness = 1; } } // next get H[0..360]S[0..1]V[0..1] from HSL if (satL==0) { satV=0; brightness = lightness; } else if (lightness<0.5) { // cautious 1/2 in java becomes zero brightness = lightness*(1.+satL); satV = (2.*satL)/(1.+satL); // if ((j>(dimension/2.))&&!IJ.showMessageWithCancel("lightness<0.5","satL="+IJ.d2s(satL)+" lightness="+IJ.d2s(lightness)+" satV="+IJ.d2s(satV)+" bri="+IJ.d2s(brightness))) {break;} // IJ.showStatus("satV"); } else { // lightness>0.5 brightness = lightness + satL*(1 - lightness); satV = 2.*(1-lightness)*satL/brightness; // correct if lightness>1/2 // if ((j>(dimension/2))&&!IJ.showMessageWithCancel("lightness>0.5","satL="+IJ.d2s(satL)+" lightness="+IJ.d2s(lightness)+" satV="+IJ.d2s(satV)+" bri="+IJ.d2s(brightness))) {break;} // satV = satL/brightness; // wrong } // finally get R[0..1]G[0..1]B[0..1] from HSV if( satV == 0 ) { // achromatic (grey) r = brightness; g = brightness; b = brightness; } else { hue /= 60; // sector 0 to 5 i = (int) Math.floor( hue ); f = hue - i; // fractional part of h p = brightness * ( 1 - satV ); q = brightness * ( 1 - satV * f ); t = brightness * ( 1 - satV * ( 1 - f ) ); switch( i ) { case 0: r = brightness; g = t; b = p; break; case 1: r = q; g = brightness; b = p; break; case 2: r = p; g = brightness; b = t; break; case 3: r = p; g = q; b = brightness; break; case 4: r = t; g = p; b = brightness; break; default: r = brightness; g = p; b = q; break; } } rint = (int) (255.*r); gint = (int) (255.*g); bint = (int) (255.*b); // now encode these values into the new cColor image sspixels[j] = ((rint & 0xff) << 16) + ((gint & 0xff) << 8) + (bint & 0xff); } // ip.resetMinAndMax();; cRGB.updateAndDraw(); } void showAbout() { // called by setup if the string argument is "about" IJ.showMessage("RGB from Ampl-Phase-Saturation", "displays the log color image for a 2 or 3 slice floating point stack"); } public boolean showDialog() { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Parameters"); gd.addNumericField("reference angle in degrees:", apang, 0); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; apang = gd.getNextNumber()*Math.PI/180.; return true; } }